This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
The consular consultative
meeting between Mongolia and Republic of
Korea was held on Wednesday. The two sides were led by D.Gankhuyag and Peg Ju
Heong respectively. Both are heads of the consular department in their Foreign
The Mongolian side expressed
its positions and put
The Director of Professional
Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science,
M.Baasanjav, met with administration officials of State-owned universities and
institutes on Wednesday to review how they are implementing the Government decision
to transfer 50 percent of school tuition fees from
The MPRP and an NGO, Green Canal, have been working together
for the past two months on a project called Khatan Tuul and Time to raise
public awareness of the threat to the Tuul river. As part of the project, a
press conference
The National Prosecution Agency has observed the 80th
anniversary of its establishment as a legal
authority affiliated to the Ministry of Justice. For all this period,
prosecutors have served the State and the people by monitoring the work of
filing cases, conducting investigation, and
MP D.Baldan-Ochir (MPRP) feels that the tax policy needs
change, so that personal income tax is made to contribute more to the tax
budget than at present. He rules out tinkering with the rates of corporate
income tax, as that might discourage badly
According to officials of the Ministry of Road,
Transportation, Construction, and Urban Development, several foreign companies
have shown interest in investing in infrastructure-related projects. The
recently passed Concession Law applies to 99 projects, of which 72 are under
the Ministry. Most of the proposals
As winter approaches, so do the people in Ulaanbaatar,
who now number more than a million, begin to worry about the air pollution from
dust. Last winter and spring the amount of dust particles in the city was
sometimes 3 times more than
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