Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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кинон дээрхтэйгээ адил. Тоглоомын орчин, зураглал, хөдөлгөөн зэрэг нь
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Энэхүү нууцыг мэдсэнээр та хүссэн бүхнээ авч чадна аз жаргал, хайр сэтгэл, эрүүл мэнд, эд баялагҮргэлжлэл
Америкийн рок хамтлаг “Linkin Park”
єнгєрєгч 7-р сарын 8-ны єдєр єєрсдийн дєрєв дэх студийн шинэ цомог
болох “A Thousand Suns” цомог нь ирэх 9-р сарын 14-нд албан ёсоор
худалдаанд гарах болно гэж мэдэгдсэн билээ. Тэрхvv цомгийн анхны
синглээр “The Catalyst”
бvжгийн ертєнцийн нэгэн хэсэг болох Step up киноны vргэлжлэл “STEP UP
3” нээлтээ хийгээд удаагvй байгаа билээ. New york хотын бvжигчид, сайн
найзууд болох Luke (Rick Malambri), Natalie (Sharni Vinson), NYU багийн
freshman Moose (Adam Sevani) нар дэлхийн тавцанд
The two-day 19th
annual meeting of the Northeast Asia Economic Forum (NEAEF) concluded on
Friday. More than 100 delegates from Mongolia, Russia, China, South Korea,
Japan and other countries in the region discussed topics pertinent to Northeast
Asian economic cooperation and development, including cross-border
Some 13,000 street lights
illuminate Ulaanbaatar every night. They are the responsibility of the Electric
Transportation Company and Illumination and Decoration Company, which receive
MNT 180 million each on average a year from the city budget.
There is now a demand that
their contract
Ts.Bulganzaya was among the journalists
taken to Zamiin-Uud last week by UB Railway for a study tour. Here is her
Zamiin-Uud in Dornogobi
province, 780 kilometers away from UB, is the main port connecting Mongolia and
China, with 250 train cars daily coming there
N.Zoljargal, Vice
President of the Mongolbank, has given commercial banks until the end of August
to reveal the identity of their principal shareholders, the pattern of
shareholding and similar details enjoined by law. After that date, the
Mongolbank will be free to disclose these