This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
President Ts.
Elbegorj Tsahia told visiting Japanese Foreign Minister K. Okada on
Monday that maintaining good bilateral relations was a priority of Mongolia’s foreign
policy. He also thanked Japan for its grants and aid that have helped
significantly in Mongolia’s development.
The President expressed the
Visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya
Okada yesterday called on Prime Minister S. Batbold to discuss the state of
bilateral relations. Batbold thanked Japan’s support to Mongolia in its
transition to a market economy and suggested a comprehensive economic
cooperation program to strengthen ties. This
The Emergency Commission’s meeting on August
30 reviewed reports on cases of foot and mouth disease in sheep and goats and
avian influenza in the country. An area in Sukhbaatar province, where 16
herders have 12,560 animals is being watched, as 734 of
Following a report from experts who had
checked conditions in the poultry farm Nionsheli in Khan-Uul district of
Ulaanbaatar on August 28, the Emergency Commission met yesterday to discuss
measures needed to be taken to prevent the spread of an infection from birds
The State Special Inspection Agency recently made a
detailed study over six weeks of how mining license holding companies complied
with rules and regulations, especially as related to environmental protection
and reclamation, the land law, and the water law. The exercise was undertaken
Mining contractor giant Leighton Holdings has now joined
others in asserting that Mongolia is emerging as a major competitor to
Australian coal exports due to its vast untapped reserves, cost efficiency and
close proximity to China. Mongolia has at least 10 to 15
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Terry Hoitz