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Robin Hood 2010R5

Английн ардын аман зохиолд гардаг
баатарлаг зоригт Robin Hood-ын домгоос сэдэвлэгдсэн “Robin Hood” нэртэй
адал явдалт, драм жанрын кино R5 чанартайгаар гачээ. “Gladiator”, “Hannibal”, “Kingdom of
Heaven” зэрэг киноны найруулагчаар ажиллаж байсан английн кино
найруулагч Ridley Scott-ын найруулсан энэ киноны

TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4600.4

TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4600.4 – та бидний єдєр тутмын салшгvй хэрэглээ болоод буй компьютерт маань
тулгардаг асуудлууд тоо томшгvй их байдаг шvv дээ. Гацаж доголдох,
унтарч асахдаа удахаас авахуулаад бэрхшээлvvд цєєнгvй байдаг. Тэгвэл
тэдгээр асуудлуудыг шийдэж чадах хамгийн сайн программ

Multi-Browser Viewer v3.0.2

Multi-Browser Viewer v3.0.2
– танд нэг дор олон вэб браузеруудыг зэрэг нээж байгаад ямар нэгэн вэб
хуудас vзэх шаардлага гарч байсан уу? Хэрвээ тийм бол тэрхvv байдалд яг
тохирох нэгэн євєрмєц программыг танилцуулж байна, уг программ нь дотроо
хvмvvсийн нийтлэг

Babies 2010 DVDRip

тєрєлхтєний залгамж халаа болон цэнхэр гаригийн єнцєг булан бvрд сая
сая vр хvvхдvvд єсєж бойжиж байгаа. Тэдгээрээс Азийн цээжинд орших
цэлмэг тэнгэрийн Монгол улс, наран ургах зvгийн их гvрэн Япон улс, агуу
их Америк улс, “юу ч vгvй газар

Tender on Tavantolgoi floated

The Government and the State Property Committee have asked
domestic and foreign companies to submit bids to operate the Tavantolgoi deposit
under contract with a State-owned company to be formed for the purpose. Among
the requirements listed in the tender are:
1.    Ability to annually

Plague quarantine in Bayan-Ulgi

The Governor of Tsengel soum in Bayan-Ulgii aimag has
ordered a quarantine following reports of a 13-year-old  boy contracting plague and 19 others showing
symptoms. A team of 16 Emergency workers are at work in the area. This is the
second confirmed case

Pedestrian obstacles to go

MNT150 million is planned to be spent under the
Mayor’s orders to make life for pedestrians in Ulaanbaatar easier. Inspection
of squares and pavements has identified 77 structures that will be relocated
and 215 more that will be demolished. The official notice for

Elbegdorj takes a class as new school year begins

The most important event of the start of the new academic
year this morning was President Ts.Elbegdorj teaching a class on Mongolian history
in Secondary School No. 28. Parliament Speaker D.Demberel was present in the
opening ceremony of Secondary School No. 106, while

Kh. Tsagaanbaatar heads IJF rankning

The latest International Judo Federation ranking retains
Kh. Tsagaanbaatar at the top in the 66-kg category with 1276 points. S.
Miyaragchaa is third with 996 points.

S.Nyam-Ochir is placed 12th in the 73-kg
category, B.Temuulen 20th in the 100-kg category and Olympic
champion N.Tuvshinbayar 

21 mining sector analysts attend seminar sponsored by USAID

Altogether 21 Mongolian financial analysts participated
in a seminar last month on Economic and Financial Analysis of Mining
Developments and Fiscal Regimes sponsored by USAID/Mongolia’s Economic Policy
Reform and Competitiveness (EPRC) project. Facilitated by Dr. Robert Conrad,
Associate Professor from Duke University, the seminar
