News.MN - The source of news

Children’s Park reopens with new features

A completely new-look Children’s Park reopened on September
1 after a long closure for extensive redesigning. It now has 12 amusement and
games sections. More than MNT20 billion were spent on the work, and officials
have promised regular maintenance of the garden. There

Japan offers to train Mongolian industrial workers

Minister of Labor and Social Welfare T.Gandhi and officials
in the Ministry yesterday met with Kenzuke Tsuzuki, Vice President of JITKO,
Japan’s international training organization, to discuss labor conditions and
laws in Mongolia, so that a framework for cooperation can be prepared. The

Banks continue to pay high interest rates, at risk of instability

Time deposits earn different rates of interest at
different banks but most of the 12 commercial banks pay the same interest rate
for ordinary savings accounts. MNT accounts always get more interest than
accounts in a foreign currency. Some banks also pay more

Batbold meets MPRP members in Ulaanbaatar

Prime Minister
S.Batbold yesterday met with members of the MPRP’s Ulaanbaatar Committee for
the first time since he was elected Chairman of the party last April. He asked
all in the party to work for implementation of the 6-point policy recommended
by the Governing

25 Canadian firms active in Mongolia’s resource sector

Canada is Mongolia’s
second-highest export partner after China, as also the largest foreign investor
in Mongolia’s resource sector, with about 25 firms active in the country, says
a recent report in The Toronto Star. Canadian companies spent an estimated
USD500 million in 2008 on

Mongolia Mining lures big backers

Mongolia Mining (earlier known as
Energy Resources), the first Mongolian firm to tap the Hong Kong IPO market,
has already secured several strategic investors as it seeks to raise USD1
billion. They include Kerry Group, which owns a 10 percent stake, US fund

Farm Frenzy Gone Fishing v1.0

Farm Frenzy хэмээх жижиг ч маш зугаатай тоглоомыг бараг мэдэхгүй хүн гэж
үгүй биз. Саяхан уг тоглоомын Gone Fishing хэмээх цоо шинэ хувилбар нь
гарчээ. Нэрнээсээ тодорхой байгаа байх. Хэмжээ нь ердөө 78 МБ шүү.Үргэлжлэл

RayCity 2010 Gogo+Others

Маш том хотын гудамжны онлайн уралдааны тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Уг
тоглоомыг алдарт EA Games бүтээсэн юм байна. Гудамжинд уралдан оноо
цуглуулж, шинэ машин авч, хүмүүстэй харилцаж болно. Тэмцээнүүдэд түрүүлж
гудамжны хаан нь болоорой!Үргэлжлэл
