News.MN - The source of news

New date for Anod Bank shareholders’ meeting

The Mongolbank’s special representative at Anod Bank,
which has gone into liquidation, has said that a general meeting of its
shareholders will be held on November 30. He gave no reason why the meeting was
not held on the earlier scheduled August 15.

TDB introduces daily remittance service from Korea

Trade and Development Bank and Korean Exchange Bank have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding to introduce a service to allow Mongolians
studying, working, and living in Korea to transfer money from there to Mongolia
easier and faster. The money thus remitted will have

The risks investors and watching in Mongolia

recent analysis by Reuters says Mongolia is likely to emerge as a key
investment target for global mining giants, but there are several risks to watch.
Referring to the country’s weak political parties and its poor regulatory
capacity, it notes that Transparency International

Minister gives harvest estimates

According to
preliminary estimates announced by T. Badamjunai, Minister of Food, Agriculture
and Light Industry, the harvest is expected to be 329,800 tons wheat, 156,100
tons potato, 90,100 tons vegetable, 20,500 tons oilseeds like sunflower and
rapeseed, and 19,600 tons of livestock fodder.  The

Russian barley to be used to make animal feed

The 21,091.9 tons of
barley received from Russia will be used to make animal feed at a cost of
MNT90,000 per ton. There are 35 million animals in the country of which 19
million are of breeding age. Uvurkhangai aimag lost 1,620,000 animals

MNT125 million to disinfect poultry farm area

Deputy Prime Minister M. Enkhbold, who is also Chief of
the National Emergency Commission, will 
supervise the work of disinfecting areas in Khan-Uul district where a
poultry farm has been identified as the source of a
contagious bird disease “Newcastle,” the first time in

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