News.MN - The source of news

90% work for next month’s boxing championship finished

The Organizing Committee for the IVth World Boxing
Championship for Students (WCS) in October met on Friday to review the progress
of preparatory work. The Ulaanbaatar City Administration, the Physical Culture
and Sports Board, the Students Sports Committee and the National Olympic Boxing

15 Korean businessmen meeting possible Mongolian partners

The goal of today’s South Korea-Mongolia Economic
Cooperation Partnering Meeting in Ulaanbaatar, the first major business
consultation event between the two countries, is to help Korean investors find
local partners for new business opportunities. According to the Korea
Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, 15 officials from

Ts.Oyungerel new head of Democratic Party’s women’s wing

A former advisor of President Ts. Elbegdorj, Ts.Oyungerel
was elected head of the Democratic Women’s Association on September 4, in
succession to B.Delgermaa, a former MP and a leading politician, who decided to
step down after seven year in the job. The meeting

Umnugovi Development Council holds first meeting

The Umnugobi Regional Development Council held its first
meeting last month 10 in Dalanzadgad, and discussed and approved its work
procedures and work plan for 2010. A representative of Oyu Tolgoi LLC reported
on the progress of implementation of relevant provisions of the

Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi will be a model company, Mines Minister says

Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt has said
that his first priority is to see that Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi  works as an internationally competitive
company, belying “not unjust” popular fears that a State-owned entity will not
deliver the goods. Asked how he

Source of money for new railway still unclear

The recently adopted railway transportation policy raises
visions of Mongolia breaking the shackles of being landlocked and of its trade
options being limited to its two great neighbors. The prospect of more entry
points to China and access to sea ports there and

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