This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
The 7th primary conference of the MPRP that began on
Tuesday has fixed the date for the party’s 26th general assembly. It will be held
on November 4-6 and 801 members of the party will be eligible to attend. The
primary units will
More than 100 business entities participated in a
three-day trade exhibition on apartments in Misheel Expo that ended on Monday.
It was jointly organized by The Ministry of Road, Construction, Transportation
and City Planning, and the Advice and Information Center for Consumers and
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тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №84 шинэ дугаар нар
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толилуулж байна. Шинэ
The Government has sought the help of Simon Fraser
University in Canada to prepare an appropriate methodology for evaluating the
impact of mining on human health. Civil society organizations have been at the
forefront of demands for such assessments, particularly in view of
Environment Minister L.Gansukh has said the Southern Gobi
region has limited water reserve and several studies will have to be reviewed
and the discrepancies in them reconciled before a clearer picture emerges of
water availability for the Tavantolgoi project. The concern of the
In the past few weeks, at least
two long reports have appeared outside Mongolia on how “ultra-nationalists have
emerged from an impoverished economy and turned upon outsiders in the country”,
their “main targets” being those from China, the rising power to the south.
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