This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
A meeting with delegates
from all countries where the saiga antelope is found was held yesterday in
Ulaanbaatar, the first time such an international meeting took place in
Mongolia. It was jointly organized by the Committee of the Convention of
Migrating Species (CMS), the
1st Annual Mongolia Investment conference was held yesterday in Ulaanbaatar,
co-organized by Eurasia Capital, with a host of supporting organizations,
including the Business Council of Mongolia, the Corporate Governance
Development Center, Mongolia Development Resources, Thomson Reuters and The
Wall Street Journal.
their opening statement the
As part of its “Mobi
aspiration program: Helping our youth have their dream come true”, MobiCom
Corporation will offer online training to students at 19 high schools in
Bayanzurkh district in Ulaanbaatar in the present academic year. The company recently
handed over equipment and
Prophecy Resources has announced that Leighton Asia, with
which it has a mine services agreement, has established on schedule the
required infrastructure and deployed all necessary equipment and manpower to
execute long term mining operations at Prophecy”s 100% owned Ulaan Ovoo Coal Project,
There has been no follow-up to reports that Khan
Resources has filed a statement of claim
with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, seeking damages of USD283.7 million
from Russia”s State-owned uranium miner Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) and its
subsidiary JSC Priargunsky Industry Mining and Chemical
the publication of an account in The Guardian (reported in this website
yesterday under the title “British
paper writes on Mongolian ultra-nationalists”) Michael Aldrich, calling himself
“a regular visitor to Mongolia since 1993 and a resident in Ulaanbaatar over
the past 18 months”, wrote
Robert Friedland, Executive
Chairman of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. and John Macken, President and Chief Executive
Officer, have said that full-scale construction of the Oyutolgoi copper-gold
complex is proceeding on schedule and the first ore now is expected to be
processed during the fourth quarter
Yesterday’s primary conference of the MPRP approved
the proposal to change the name of the party, though a final decision will be
taken only at the ensuing general assembly. The General Secretary of the MPRP,
U.Khurelsukh, answers our journalist’s questions on this sensitive
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