News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia-Germany meeting calls for deepening of economic ties

Both sides at yesterday’s 4th Mongolia-Germany
consultative meeting on economic policy in Ulaanbaatar exchanged views on the
present economic situation and discussed the state of bilateral cooperation in
trade and economics. The participants included representatives of the Mongolian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry

Parliament to hold special session to mark 20th anniversary

The Autumn session of
Parliament will begin on October 5 and will observe the 20th anniversary of
Parliamentary politics in Mongolia. About 260 former elected representatives at
all levels, and senior officials, as well as former media personnel will be
invited to a special

Government wants lawyers’ firm for regular help

Yesterday’s regular
Government meeting resolved to appoint a lawyers’ firm to represent the interests
of Mongolia in foreign courts and arbitration proceedings and also to help prepare
agreements, and assist in negotiations for future significant projects and
programs. This became necessary considering the number

Deputy Minister defends Mongolia’s choice of railway direction

Linking Mongolia”s desert mines
with foreign clients will require billions of dollars of investment over a
decade and some investors fear suspicion of China, rather than pure economic logic,
is shaping its plans, Reuters says in an analytical report. Deputy Minister of
Transportation A.

NGO leader defends shooting at gold mining equipment

The four persons held in Selenge aimag on Sunday for
shooting at equipment belonging to Puraam gold mine were brought to Ulaanbaatar
on Wednesday for further investigation. The mine in Tunkhel village is most
likely owned by Chinese. The four arrested people include

Mortal Kombat Project 4.8.1

Мейлээр ирсэн хүсэлтийн дагуу Mortal Kombat Project хэмээх 2008 онд гарсан M.U.G.E.N тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Олон олон шинэ дүрүүдтэйгээс гадна нэг хүний хэд хэдэн хувилбарууд ч байнлээҮргэлжлэл

MIAT announces more flights to Moscow

MIAT has announced its new schedules and also discounts
for students. The national airline will have additional flights to Moscow on
Thursdays and Sundays from tomorrow to March 31, 2011.

Students flying to Berlin, Tokyo, and Osaka will have a
35% discount, to

Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise

Нэгэн хэрэглэгчийн хүсэлтээр Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise-ийг Gogo Share дээр оруулж байна. Захисан гишүүн гэлтгүй бүх хүмүүс татаад аваарай. Үргэлжлэл

Mafia II: Jimmys Vendetta

Та бүхэндээ Mafia II тоглоомыг гарсан даруйд нь бид хүргэж байсан билээ. Харин саяхан Jimmys Vendetta хэмээх нэмэлт нь гарсан байна.Үргэлжлэл

Hoyle Card Games 2011

Hoyle Card Games 2011 – Уг тоглоом дээр хөзрөөр тоглогддог бараг бүхий л тоглоомуудыг багтаасан байгаа. Мөн тоглоход илүү ойлгомжтой, компьютер нь маш ухаалаг болсон, 5 шинэ тоглоом нэмэгдсэнв.Үргэлжлэл
