This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
On Friday (8 Jan), Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Steel Dharmendra Pradhan) reiterated India’s commitment towards the timely completion of the Mongol Refinery Project. This assurance was made during a virtual meeting with L.Oyun-Erdene, MP, Minister and
Interview given by Batbold Sukhbaatar, the former Prime Minister of Mongolia, to local press and published on January 7th, 2021
Following the coronavirus pandemic, the issue of economic recovery is now in the spotlight. As the head of the government that
On Thursday (7 January), Mongolia confirmed 13 new cases of coronavirus in Ulaanbaatar – 10 of which were from the recent epicenter of the Achtan Hospital; also a banker from the Golomt Bank tested positive for COVID-19.
So far, Mongolia has 1362 confirmed
Chairperson of the Management Board Nikolay Kosov and the Ambassador of Mongolia to the Russian Federation D. Davaadiscuss priority areas of the Bank’s operations
On January 4, 2021, a working meeting between Nikolay Kosov, Chairperson of the IIB Management Board, and
Mongolian rock band The Hu has made the cover of famous UK magazine Metal Hammer first edition of 2021. The band recently covered Metallica’s Sad but true song in theMongolian language and it hasbecome a sensation among rockers.
The Hu
The US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar has asked the help of the Mongolian Government to exchange its employees who have completed their jobs in the country and to bring in newly appointed staff to posts in UB. Therefore, the US Government
Mr. L.Munkhtushig, Director General of the Consular Department of the MongolianForeign Ministry reported that Mongolian Airlines (MIAT) will conduct a charter flight to South Korea on 15 January. Some 150-160 Mongolians are expected to be repatriated with the Seoul flight.
Mongolia has conducted some 1.2 million coronavirus tests; 509 thousand of them were rapid tests and remaining were PCR.
So far, 415 thousand people have taken coronavirus tests.
A total of 1525 people are under isolation at 31 quarantine centres
According to an open budget survey (OBS) conducted by the International Budget Partnership, Mongolia ranked 41st out of 117 countries with a transparency score of 56, Montsamereports.
Mongolia’s transparency score of 56 in the OBS 2019 is moderately higher than its
U.S.Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence Heino Klinckand Mongolia Ministry of Defence State Secretary D.Gankhuyag have held a virtual meeting to conduct the 17th annual U.S.-Mongolia Bilateral Consultative Council. Because of the time difference, the meeting took place onJan.5 (Washington, D.C.)