Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Дэлхийн дуу хєгжимтэй хєл нийлvvлэн алхахыг хvсдэг залуус та бvхэндээ америкийн уран бvтээлч Trey Songz-ын энэ оны 9-р сарын 14-ний єдєр худалдаанд гарч эхлэх “Passion, Pain & Pleasure”
нэртэй цомгийг санал болгож байна. R&B, хип хоп, поп жанрын энэ
видео тоглоом хєгжvvлэгч Valve корпорациас цуврал болгон гаргадаг
Half-Life, Team Fortress, Portal, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Day of
Defeat зэрэг тоглоомуудыг тоглоом сонирхогчид андахгvй сайн мэдэх билээ.
Харин эдгээр тоглоомууд дундаас тоглогч єєрийн тоглох багаа сонгон яг л
Єнгєрєгч сарын сvvлээр бид сонсогч залуустаа зориулан “Linkin Park” хамтлагийн “The Catalyst” нэртэй сингл цомог болон “The Catalyst” дууны клипийг тус тус хvргэж байсан билээ. Энэ дуу нь ирэх 14-ний єдєр худалдаанд гарах “A Thousand Suns”
хэмээх цомгийн анхны сингл
Dash Berlin – In Da Club: Back to School [2010]Үргэлжлэл
The Executive Board of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed the fifth and the sixth reviews
of Mongolia”s economic performance under a program supported by an 18-month
Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). The Board also approved the Mongolian authorities’
request for rephasing the final disbursement.
S.Battsetseg became the first Mongolian woman wrestler to
win a world championship gold medal when she defeated Jan Lyani of China 8:0 in
the 59-kg category at a tournament in Moscow. There were 22 wrestlers in her
category and after getting a bye
The most interesting speech on the second day of “Discover
Mongolia-2010” on Thursday was that by the Executive Director of Golomt Bank,
John Finigan. Reviewing the present status in the mining sector and future prospects,
he said 2016 will be when Mongolia would
The China-Mongolia-Russia International Youth Sports Meeting
opened at Hohhot in Inner Mongolia yesterday. The meet features
51 disciplines from six sports of track and field,
wresting, boxing, judo, table tennis and archery.
More than 700 athletes from the three countries will vie for 51