News.MN - The source of news

Superman Batman Apocalypse

Superman Batman Apocalypse хэмээх цоо шинээр гарсан хүүхэлдэйн киног
хүргэж байна. Superman Batman 2 нэгдэж ямар хэрэгтэй тулгархыг
киноноосоо үзээрэй. Бичлэгийн чанар нь DVDRip.Үргэлжлэл

132 Mixed Wallpapers Mediafire

132 ширхэг төрөл бүрийн тасархай ханын цааснуудаас хүргэж байна.Үргэлжлэл

Splash PRO HD player v1.1.0.0

За та бүхэндээ шинээр гарч эхлээд дажгүй
хэрэглэгчидтэй болж буй Splash PRO HD Player хэмээх нэгэн өнгө үзэмж,
хамрах хүрээ сайтай тоглуулагчийг хүргэж байна. Олон форматуудыг таньж
чадах ба HD видеог үзэхэд хамгийн тохиромжтой тоглуулагч юм. Татаж аваал
заавал хэрэглээд

Gun 2005FullRip

Та бүхэндээ 2005 онд гарч байсан Gun хэмээх
Action, Адал явталт түүхэн тоглоомын Rip буюу шахсан хувилбарыг хүргэж
байна. Тоглоомд индиан, ковбойчуудын тухай гарна. 2005 онд гарч байсан хэдий ч нэлээд гоё тоглоом шүү.
Бас үзүүлэлт бага шаарддаг, хэмжээ багатай болохоор заавал тоглож

Utilities companies busy preparing for winter, report good progress

will be heartened by the claim yesterday by heating and power distribution
companies that 75-80% of the repair and maintenance work, begun in the spring
jointly with the Energy Board, have been completed. Money for certain parts for
the work was allocated from

New Canadian Ambassador presents letter of credentials

Gregory Goldhawk has
presented his letter of credentials as Ambassador of Canada to President
Ts.Elbegdorj. Canada is the second largest investor in Mongolia, after China,
and Goldhawk has said one of his priorities would be to conclude an agreement
on mutual support and protection

Ministry explains railway policy, law on concession to investors, diplomats

The Ministry of Road, Transportation, Construction
and Urban Planning organized a meeting on Saturday to introduce to domestic and
foreign investors, diplomatic representatives, and officials of international
organizations the railway policy and law on concession, so that those keen to
bid for constructing the

B.Munguntuul wins tournament in Zurich

B.Munguntuul has won
a students’ chess tournament in Zurich. 
Eight Mongolians — four men and four women – participated at the 11th World
Championship of  Students that began on
September 5.
Munguntuul had an unassailable lead with one round left but the team rankings

Mongolian music fills Shanghai Expo

Mongolian singers and dancers
performed at the Shanghai Expo Center yesterday evening to celebrate Mongolia”s
National Pavilion Day. The show gave a taste of the country”s traditional folk
arts and pop music as well as its interpretation of western art forms. The show
