News.MN - The source of news

Khan Bank offers financial leasing services in agriculture

Khan Bank and Agromashtech LLC have signed a financial leasing services
agreement that will allow individuals and companies working in agriculture,
especially in agronomy, to access Agromashtech services, and training on
use of equipment such as harvester combines, tractors, agricultural trailers,
swing machines, and irrigation

Mongolia has an assured place on the new Silk Road

China’s head-start in building roads, railways and pipelines
across Central Asia creates an opportunity for the West — and the region
itself. China has paved the way to finally open up landlocked Central Asia, and
the West should build on its success, creating

Minister defends equal raise for all state employees

Minister of Social Welfare and Labor T.Gandhi met media
yesterday after the regular Government meeting had discussed the final
notification of the 30% raise of state officials’ wages, pensions and
allowances. All state officials will have a net increase of 30%. Disputing the

Meeting discusses international economic trends

A meeting on Monday, attended by 40 delegates from the
main economic organizations, expressed happiness at the recent establishment of
four sub councils, at the Finance Ministry and at the Economic Policy Council
under the President. The meeting was on international economic relations

Mongolia attends tourism development workshop in Vietnam

The Mongolian team at a sustainable tourism development
workshop in Vietnam on Tuesday gave a presentation on tourism education in the
country. Mongolia and five other countries — Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea,
the Philippines, and Vietnam —   attended the workshop held within the

Adobe After Effects CS4

Adobe After Effects CS4
– Видео дvрсийг єндєр тvвшинд эвлvvлж, хvссэн эффектээ хийхэд тань
туслах Adobe Systems компанийн технологийн хамгийн сvvлийн vеийн шийдэл
болох Adobe After Effects CS4 хувилбарыг хэрэглэгчдийнхээ хvсэлтээр
хvргэж байна. График, дизайн
мэдээний сэдэвт маань сvvлийн vед
