This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
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A special sub-council of monetary policy met on Wednesday,
with MP O.Chuluunbat in the chair. It discussed the state of the economy, the
price index, the reports of the household income and expenditure survey, and
such issues. The sub-council will coordinate the work
Prime Minister S.Batbold announced
after watching the exploration work of the 100% Chinese company Donshen in the
Gobi that Mongolia’s first oil refinery will be ready by 2014. Donshen has a
product sharing agreement with the Government and hopes to begin oil extraction
The Cellar Door хэмээх 2007 онд гарсан аймшгийн киног хүргэж байна. Бичлэгийн чанар нь DVDRip.Үргэлжлэл
Энэ программ нь зурганд төрөл бүрийн хүрээ жааз оруулдаг программ юм. Мөн зургийн өнгийг тохируулж, crop, resize, мөн усны эффект гэх мэт зарим эффект хүртэл оруулж болох юм. Хэмжээ нь ердөө 3 МБ шүү.Үргэлжлэл
За та бүхэндээ 2010 онд ASK Homework компани
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Academics and analysts met at Government House on
September 15 to join the ongoing debate on the MPRP changing its basic ideology
from the present democratic socialism to national democracy. The Terelj Manifesto prepared by its Managing
Council calls for the change and
yesterday decided to change the excise duty rate
on several oil products from Rosneft. Following this, the price of AI-92 will
go up by USD42 or MNT56,000, and of diesel by USD36 or MNT48,000. The price of
A-80 will, however, be USD10 less