At the 48th Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo in 2025, Mongolian performers won two prestigious Clowns awards.
At the 48th Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo in 2025, Mongolian performers won two prestigious Clowns awards.
2: Operation Arrowhead буюу ARMA 2: OA нь Bohemia Interactive
studio-гийн хєгжvvлсэн байлдаант ARMA 2 компьютер тоглоомны vргэлжлэл
юм. Энэ нь 2010 оны 8-р сарын 29-нд British Armed Forces нэртэй, content
багц хэлбэрээр интернэтэд цацагдсан бєгєєд уг тоглоомонд гурван
VA – Armada Presents Vocal Trance Sessions [2010]Үргэлжлэл
2010 оны шилдэг гар утасны мессежний аянуудыг хүргэж байна. Нилээд хэдэн гоё ая байгаа шүү.Үргэлжлэл
Шилдэг инээдмийн киноны найруулагч Nicholas Stoller-ийн найруулсан Get
Him To The Greek кино DVDRip чанартайгаар гарчээ. Бас л сак инээдмийн
кино болсон байнлээ.
Кинонд: Aaron Greenberg бол
санасандаа хvрч байж санаа нь амардаг, нэр тєрд дуртай залуу. 23-хан
настай энэ залууд
Mnister S.Bayartsogt has said ownership of the entire Tavan Tolgoi deposit will
rest with Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. It may choose to work by itself in a certain
part of the territory, or enter into a contract with a foreign or domestic
operator. In
Partners (formerly Origo Sino-India), a China-based provider of private equity
investment and consultancy services, has formed a joint venture with Monnis
International, a Mongolian industrial holding company, to establish Resource
Investment Capital, Ltd. The new joint venture company, headquartered in
Ulaanbaatar, will provide corporate
state-owned companies — the Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network, the
Central Energy System Transmission Network, and the Darkhan Metallurgical
Plant, LLC — are taking part in a
three-month hands-on training program on the “balanced scorecard” (BSC)
methodology for company directors and seniot management in Ulaanbaatar.
CADEX KK of Tokyo and State-owned Mongolian Railway have announced
the formation of a wide-ranging business
consulting alliance with aim
of enhancing the railway infrastructure in Mongolia. Under their
agreement, CADEX and its Mongolian subsidiary CADEX LLC Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) will act as a business
The quarantine on the poultry farm Nionsheli in Khan-Uul
district of Ulaanbaatar will be lifted on September 22. A bird-borne disease
Newcastle that could affect the human eye by eating eggs was traced there. All
sick birds have been destroyed and no infection
Representatives of coal mining companies
urged the Government to raise coal prices at a meeting on September 18.
Officials from the Baganuur and Shivee-Ovoo mines, the two major suppliers to
power and heating plants, pleaded that they were in a very difficult situation