News.MN - The source of news

Origo Partners form joint venture with Monnis International

Partners (formerly Origo Sino-India), a China-based provider of private equity
investment and consultancy services, has formed a joint venture with Monnis
International, a Mongolian industrial holding company, to establish Resource
Investment Capital, Ltd. The new joint venture company, headquartered in
Ulaanbaatar, will provide corporate

State-owned companies being trained in new management practices

state-owned companies — the Ulaanbaatar Electricity Distribution Network, the
Central Energy System Transmission Network, and the Darkhan Metallurgical
Plant, LLC —  are taking part in a
three-month hands-on training program on the “balanced scorecard” (BSC)
methodology for company directors and seniot management in Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolian Railway forms alliance with Japanese firm to develop infrastructure

CADEX KK of Tokyo and State-owned Mongolian Railway have announced
the formation of a wide-ranging business
consulting alliance with aim
of enhancing the railway infrastructure in Mongolia. Under their
agreement, CADEX and its Mongolian subsidiary CADEX LLC Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) will act as a business

Quarantine on poultry farm to be lifted

The quarantine on the poultry farm Nionsheli in Khan-Uul
district of Ulaanbaatar will be lifted on September 22. A bird-borne disease
Newcastle that could affect the human eye by eating eggs was traced there. All
sick birds have been destroyed and no infection

State-owned mines want coal prices increased

Representatives of coal mining companies
urged the Government to raise coal prices at a meeting on September 18.
Officials from the Baganuur and Shivee-Ovoo mines, the two major suppliers to
power and heating plants, pleaded that they were in a very difficult situation

Tax on livestock likely to be revived

The tax on the number of livestock, imposed
in 1998, was discontinued after a year but now there is talk of reviving it.  The tax is not the same as the pastureland
tax, and is often called the “foot tax” as it

President sees bright future for seabuckthorn farming

President Ts.Elbegdorj listened to citizens’ and civil
representatives’ opinions and heard the problems of  milk and vegetable producers during his visit
to Songinokhairkhan district, Batsumber and Bayanchandmana soums of Tuv aimag
last Thursday.

He visited Polivit Co., which has planted seabuckthorn in
Udleg in

PM on visit to USA and Canada

Prime Minister S.Batbold is on an official visit to the
USA and Canada from September 20 through October 3. He will be in New York until
September 27, where he is to address the summit meeting of the UN General
Assembly and attend

Sh.Tuvdendorj new head of DP in Ulaanbaatar

Sh.Tuvdendorj, General Secretary of the DP, is the new
head of the party in Ulaanbaatar. A Consultative Committee of the party met on
Saturday where 91% of the members chose him from a list of three. Of the two
others, MP Kh.Temuujin was
