This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Дээвэр хэмээн нэрийддэг Тєвдийн дундаж єндєр нь 4,900 метр бєгєєд
дэлхийн хамгийн єндєр бvс нутаг юм. Тєвд бол тvvхэндээ тусгаар тогтносон
улс байсан юм. 1954 онд Хятадын улаан цэрэгт эзлэгдэн Хятадын нэг
Єєртєє Засах Орон гэгч болжээ. Далай лам
Гарсан огноо: 2010.09.15Платформ: PCХєгжvvлэгч: EA CanadaБvтээгч: EA SportsТєрєл: SportsХэл: English”Electronic
Arts” корпорациас PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 зэрэг game platform-уудад
зориулан хєл бємбєгийн FIFA тоглоомынхоо ээлжит цуврал болох FIFA 11
(FIFA Soccer 11) тоглоомыг худалдаанд гаргахаа зарлажээ. Энэ оны 9-р
VA – DubStep Music [2009-2010]Артист: VAАльбум: DubStep Music [2009-2010]Гарсан огноо: 2009-2010Жанр: DubStep, Techno, ElectroeYргэлжлэх хугацаа: 111:01 минЧанар: 320 kbps / 44,1kHz / StereoХэмжээ: 231.2 MBҮргэлжлэл…
A draft project based
on a Presidential decree is being prepared to celebrate the 2220th anniversary
of the First Nomadic State in Central Asia. Businesses and organizations will
be asked for help in building a World Nomadic Historical and Cultural Center,
as also a
following nine companies have applied for choice as operator of the Tavantolgoi
deposit. After a process of preliminary elimination, a short list will be
announced tomorrow for the next stage of selection.
LLC of the Jump group
• Erdos Investment Holding Group
• Kores Consortium
• Shaanxi
At a meeting Wednesday with the visiting U.S Deputy
Secretary of Energy, Daniel B.Poneman, First Deputy Premier M.Enkhbold referred
to the Mongolia-USA memorandum on cooperation in exploitation of nuclear energy
for peace, and expressed confidence that the visit of Poneman will
significantly contribute to
P.Tsagaan, Senior Advisor
to the President, yesterday received Graeme Hancock, senior mining specialist at
the World Bank in Mongolia. They discussed issues relating to amendment of the
law on mineral resources and the need for inputs from MPs, the government, the
President’s Office and
Prime Minister
S.Batbold, now in New York mainly to attend the summit meeting of UN General
Assembly, has met with Bill Clinton, former U.S. President and now Head of the Clinton
Global Initiative (CGI). He also attended a meeting of the CGI. They
While Prime Minister S. Batbold said in New York on
Monday that the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was the front runner in the race to
be selected to restructure the Mongolian Stock Exchange, developments in
Ulaanbaatar cast doubts on the entire process of