News.MN - The source of news

Unequal benefits from salary increase

As Minister of Social
Welfare and Labor T. Gandhi and Confederation of Trade Union leader S.Ganbaatar
bandy their different figures of which category of State employees stand to
benefit how much from the 30% pay rise, one development has passed unnoticed by
most people.

The future must transcend mining, says Minister Zorigt

Mining Minister D. Zorigt has told Reuters
that the future of the Mongolian economy will ultimately hinge on
its ability to transcend mining. “It is our ultimate belief that economic
prosperity is not delivered by one particular industry or one particular
resource. Economic prosperity

Origo Partners buys 25% shares in Kincora in Mongolia

Partners has announced the acquisition of a 25% stake in Kincora Ltd, owner of
the Bronze Fox copper-gold prospect in Mongolia for USD3 million. Kincora owns
a 100% interest in the Bronze Fox prospect through a wholly-owned Mongolian
subsidiary. Origo has also been

IFC likely to invest in Suu

World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) has completed an appraisal
of a proposal to invest in Suu, the leading Mongolian dairy processor, with
three principal goals. The first is to help increase its production capacity,
including purchase of additional milk packaging, butter packaging,

Security cameras record offenses, but Traffic Police yet to take action

Traffic Emergency Information Center, opened some time ago amidst high
expectation, has claimed that installation of security cameras on streets,
ostensibly meant to monitor traffic, has led to a drop in street crimes like
drunken brawls, assaults, and robbery. Daily cases of assault

NEA has not appealed against court’s second ruling, says Khan Resources

Khan Resources Inc. has announced
that the dispute period for the August 2, 2010 decision by the Mongolian
Capital City Administrative Court in favor of Khan”s subsidiary, Khan Resources
LLC (Khan Mongolia) has now expired. The court ruling declared that the
Mongolia Nuclear Energy Agency”s

PM has a busy time in New York, addresses UN summit on MDGs

Prime Minister S.Batbold’s schedule in New York has been
very busy. He has addressed the summit meeting of the UN General Assembly which
is considering implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and
has held talks with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and international

Karafun Karaoke Pack + 3000 Songs + New Songs Update

гэртээ эсвэл зуслан дээрээ, амралтын газар ер нь л компьютер, нєvтбvvк
ашиглаж байгаа ямар ч газар халуун ам бvлээрээ, найз нєхєдтэйгээ чєлєєт
цагаа караоке дуулж єнгєрєєхийг хvсэхгvй гэж vv? Ойролцоогоор 3000 гаруй
дууны сантай, хамгийн сvvлд 2010 оны 9-р

Blender 2.54 Beta Portable

Blender хэмээх 3D анимейшн бүтээдэг программыг хүргэж байна. Та энэ программыг ашиглан 3D моделүүд, биетүүд бүтээн тэднийгээ хөдөлгөөнд оруулж, post-production хийн, интерактив, 3D хөдөлгөөнт анимейшн бүтээх гээд 3D биеттэй холбоотой их олон үйлдлийг хийж болох юм. Үрэгжлэл

Texas Hold’em Poker 3D

Одоо үед Poker мэдэхгүй хүн гэж байхгүй биз. Та бүхэндээ зориулаад Texas Hold”em Poker 3D тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Та өөрөө тоглолт зохиогоод тоглох боломжтой ба мөн интернэт, лангаар холбогдон тоглох боломжтой. Интернэт, лангаар тоглохдоо шууд Creatе хийгээд л хүмүүсээ дуудаад
