News.MN - The source of news

Conference planned in March to make people’s voice heard

The National New
Party (NNP) and the People’s Union (PU) will jointly hold a general conference
on March 1, 2011, NNP leader Ts.Tsolmon and PU General Coordinator G.Uyanga told
a press conference yesterday. Delegates will be elected from Ulaanbaatar
districts and from soums in

Bids for Tavantolgoi submitted

The deadline for companies submitting their bids to
operate the Tavantolgoi deposit expired at 4 pm today. The names of the bidders
have not been revealed yet, and a preliminary selection will be announced on
September 24. The second stage of the final

IAEA holds General Conference with Mongolia in the chair

The 54th
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference from September 20
to 24 in Vienna is being held with J.Enkhsaikhan, Permanent Representative of
Mongolia, in the chair. The regular session will discuss and approve the Director-General’s
report and the budget for 2011, and

President decrees protection of Burkhan Khaldun

Accepting the suggestion of scholars and citizens,
President Ts.Elbegdorj has decreed that Burkhan Khaldun, a part of the Khan
Khentii mountains, should be protected and worshipped because of its
association with the birth of Chinggis Khaan. He also wants efforts to be made

Enrique Iglesias, Nicole Scherzinger – Heartbeat 2010 HD

оны 7-р сарын 5-ны єдєр “Euphoria” нэртэй ес дэх студийн цомгоо
сонсогч, фенvvддээ хvргэх хvртэлх хугацаанд англи болон испани хэл дээр
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Wallpapers Collection №86

бvрийн vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй
тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №86 шинэ долоо
хоногийн хамгийн анхны энэ сайхан єдєр таны мэлмийг баясгаж сэтгэлийг
цэнгээхээр сонирхолтой сайхан янз бvрийн зургуудаа цуглуулан багцалж
танд хvрэхэд бэлэн боллоо. Шинэ

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