News.MN - The source of news

Mongolian boxers to represent teams in tournament

Four Mongolian boxers will take part in the next World
Series of Boxing tournament to begin on November 19. They have already signed
contracts with teams they will be representing.

N.Tugs-tsogt (54 kg) will be in the Baku team from
Azerbaizan, T.Chuluunbaatar (73 kg)

Discrepancy in unemployment data

Participants at the Ulaanbaatar-2010 labor conference yesterday
expressed surprise that while the National Statistics Office puts unemployment
at 11.2%, the figures from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor says it is
only 4%. The conference was organized by the Labor Office and

Ulaanbaatar needs some hard decisions to move ahead

urban infrastructure in Ulaanbaatar is bursting at the seams. Cars in the city
center can move only at 10 km per hour; every day, over 160,000 people —
elders, students, policemen, and handicapped — use public transportation free
of charge or pay subsidized

New draft health insurance law prepared

The Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture
and Science, the Federation of Trade Unions (FTU), and the United Federation of
Employers (UFE) have jointly prepared a new draft health insurance law. This
comes after both unions expressed their dissatisfaction with the contents

Petro Matad hopes to drill an additional well

Petro Matad has announced it is conditionally raising up to USD46.8
million before expenses through a placing and subscriptions for up to
22,483,878 new shares, primarily to accelerate its drilling program on Block XX
in Mongolia. In addition to the fundraising, the European

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