Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Нөүтбүүк хэрэглэдэг залуусдаа зориулсан BatteryBar Pro хэмээх нэгэн сонирхолтой программыг хүргэж байна. Энэ программ нь таны Laptop-ийн баттерейн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг дэлгэцийн баруун доод буланд харуулах үйлчилгээтэй юм. Үргэлжлэл
2k Games, F iraxis нарын хамтын бүтээл Sid Meier”s Civilization V тоглоом саяхан гарсан. Мэдээж бүх цуврал анги нь тоглогчдын дуртай стратеги тоглоомуудын нэг болж чадсан тоглоом билээ.\Үргэлжлэл
Lara Croft буюу Tomb Raider (Булш Ухагч)-ийг мэдэхгүй хүн гэж үгүй биздээ. Саяхан Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light нэртэй цоо шинэхэн тоглоом гарчээ. Та Lara Croft-ийг удирдан адал явдлаар дүүрэн ертөнцөөр тоглох болно.Үргэлжлэл
Children in 160, 42,
75, 51, 149 kindergartens of Sukhbaatar district have been getting milk with
their lunch since September 20 under The Cup of Milk to Children project
implemented under orders of the Mayor. The program will cover all kindergartens
and primary classes
at a round table meeting on September 22 on “Ensuring special needs of the
most vulnerable countries”, organized as part of the 65th session of the
UN General Assembly in New York, Prime
Minister S.Batbold said Mongolia’s total
expenses for transit transportation had grown
untapped mineral riches have shifted their focus from glittering copper and
gold to coal, which promises to be Mongolia’s black gold. “Coal is becoming a
very hot topic in Mongolia,” lawmaker S. Oyun told AFP on the sidelines of the
recent Discover Mongolia
Four Mongolian boxers will take part in the next World
Series of Boxing tournament to begin on November 19. They have already signed
contracts with teams they will be representing.
N.Tugs-tsogt (54 kg) will be in the Baku team from
Azerbaizan, T.Chuluunbaatar (73 kg)
Participants at the Ulaanbaatar-2010 labor conference yesterday
expressed surprise that while the National Statistics Office puts unemployment
at 11.2%, the figures from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor says it is
only 4%. The conference was organized by the Labor Office and
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has concluded
that several questions Oyutolgoi LLC is asking those who wish to join its vocational
training program are in violation of the labor law. An applicant has to mention if he/she is
member of a political
urban infrastructure in Ulaanbaatar is bursting at the seams. Cars in the city
center can move only at 10 km per hour; every day, over 160,000 people —
elders, students, policemen, and handicapped — use public transportation free
of charge or pay subsidized