Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Prime Minister S. Batbold told
the summit meeting of the UN General Assembly that economic development can be sustainable only
if it involves the people, particularly the poor, and opens up possibilities
for them such as jobs and income. He referred to Mongolia’s
A judge in Fort Lauderdale
in Florida has awarded a USD67.6 million judgment to Bank of Mongolia in a lawsuit alleging fraud, civil theft,
racketeering and conspiracy. Lauderhill-based M&P Global Financial
Services, M&P Global Financial Services Europe, Burton D. Greenberg and son
Joel E.
The present MPRP leadership
came under severe criticism for their several acts of omission and commission
at a meeting on Friday, attended by party members like former President
N.Enkhbayar, and representatives of NGOs and non-official organizations. The
discussion focused on the theme “Reforming MPRP:
General Electric Company (GE)
and Newcom Group have announced to jointly explore business opportunities in
Mongolia, one of the fastest growing and resource-rich markets in Asia. Newcom
is a leading privately owned investment company in Mongolia with interests in
telecommunications and information technology, real
A collection showcasing domestic objects from Mongolia,
such as whips, textiles and chess sets, and another displaying Tibetan items,
primarily Buddhist masks, books and silk paintings called Thankgas, are the
current attractions at the Indiana University Art Museum’s Special Exhibitions
Gallery. “From the Steppes
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