News.MN - The source of news

U.S. Energy official happy with cooperation with Mongolia

During his recent visit to Mongolia,
U.S. Deputy Secretary for Energy Daniel Poneman delivered an address at the
Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Titled “Building a Sustainable
Energy Future”, the speech focused on what the United States is doing – and
what it

Proud past, bright future: Mongolia straddles two worlds

after a recent visit to Mongolia, a correspondent says in The Guardian Weekly
that she came to see the proud past but found that the country lives in high
hope for the future. 
Warned that drought and harsh winters had decimated herds, bringing

Super Sunday

Английн Премьер Лигийн 7-р тойргийн тоглолтууд амжилттай болж өнгөрлөө. Өчигдөр буюу ням гарагийн шилдэг тоглолт яах аргагүй Лондонгийн дэрби байлаа. Энэ тойрогт Лондонгийн “ Цэнхрүүд “ Арсэналын “ Их буучид “ багтай хүч үзсэн. Английн хүчирхэг 2 багийн хувьд өмнө

MPRP leaders say criticism is welcome, but not insults

Speaking on behalf of the MPRP Managing
Council, the party’s Secretary-General, U.Khurelsukh, told a press conference
on Thursday that the ensuing 26th General Assembly would discuss other issues,
besides those related to changing the party’s name and ideology. As the party
that has been

Amendments to Labor Law submitted

Of the
2,600 civil cases resolved in 2008, some 600 were related to labor disputes.
Many consider that the present Labor Law, passed in 1999 and amended five times
between then and 2008,  does not any
longer meet the requirements of a vastly changed

MCS awards toll collection system contract to Canadian firm

International Road Dynamics
Inc. of Saskatchewan has been awarded a new contract in Mongolia by MCS
Electronics valued at CAD769,000. The project involves the
supply and installation of IRD”s weigh-in-motion and toll collection systems
along the Tavantolgoi – Gashuun Sukhait toll road, a crucial

Minimum wages likely to be raised

official of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor has indicated that minimum
wages will be raised from the present MNT108,000. Parliament is likely to take
a decision to make this effective from the beginning of 2011. Different sectors
such as agriculture, mining,

Inflation will not be more than 10%, assures Mongol Bank chief

The President of Mongol Bank,
L.Purevdorj, answered media questions on Thursday after submitting the monetary
policy document to Parliament Speaker D.Demberel. A selection of questions and
answers follows.

What are
the main features of the monetary policy next year?
Before coming to them, let me give
