News.MN - The source of news

15,000 students do not have transportation cards

Today is Students’ Day. There are more than 160,000 students
in the country of whom 130,000 are in Ulaanbaatar. The Government has allocated
MNT18.7 billion for subsidized transportation for 80,000 students. There have
been many complaints, however, especially about the electronic cards, many

Harvest should be over this week

The Harvest Committee of the Ministry of the Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry met yesterday to discuss harvest-related issues,
including delivery to local economic entities. Altogether 264,600 tons or 75.6%
of the planned harvest has already been bought in from 192,500 hectares. This

Pedestrians will be fined for violating traffic rules

Pedestrians who violate traffic rules will be fined between
MNT100 and MNT8,000  from October 15. This
is expected to bring down the number of accidents which has reached 1,418 so far
in 2010. At 28, fatalities in pedestrian-related accidents were 68.3% of the

Work on reforming business environment makes progress

Nine months of the year dedicated to reforming the business
environment are now over. B.Arvinbayar, Chief of the Private Sector Policy of
the National Development and Innovation Committee (NDIC), answers our
journalist’s questions on what has been achieved.

How much reform has been

Mongolian-French business meeting on October 13

Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (FIFTA) will hold a ‘Mongolian-French
business meeting’ on October 13 in Ulaanbaatar as part of the program of the
official visit to Mongolia of Ms. A.M.Idrac, France’s Secretary of State for Foreign Trade on October 13-14.

Taiwan and Mongolia discuss direct charter flights

Taiwan and Mongolia are
contemplating setting up direct charter flights to promote bilateral tourism
and trade relations, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) official in Taipei
has said. “Both sides are keen on developing closer exchanges and boosting
tourism. Currently we are in talks

More grounds added to justify deportation of foreign nationals

The latest amendments to the law
governing foreign citizens’ entry into Mongolia and stay here recently came
into effect. They now specify in more detail activities that are prohibited for
foreign citizens, and seven more grounds have been added to the existing five

USAID project puts new hope into life of the disabled

are 115,000 registered people with disabilities (PWDs) in Mongolia, according
to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor. However, no general education
schools, colleges, universities, or technical/vocational or training centers
are accessible for them. Currently, 146 teacher-training colleges and
universities do not have standards

Chief of the State Property Committee on his way out?

There are strong rumors the present head of the State
Property Management and Privatization Board in the State Property Committee
(SPC), Kh.Kherlen, would soon replace D.Sugar as SPC chief. A decision will be
taken only after the Prime Minister returns from his foreign
