Ozeki Hoshoryu tossed aside compatriot Oshoma on Sunday, November 17 to remain tied for the lead with three others at the midway point of the Kyushu Basho.
Ozeki Hoshoryu tossed aside compatriot Oshoma on Sunday, November 17 to remain tied for the lead with three others at the midway point of the Kyushu Basho.
the world’s biggest importer of rare earths, plans to buy more of the minerals
from Mongolia to reduce dependence on China, the Asahi newspaper has reported.
Prime Ministers Naoto Kan and S. Batbold agreed yesterday in Tokyo to begin an
effort to locate
Minister told a meeting of some 300 Mongolians in Vancouver on September 30
that he expected them, particularly students, to play an important role in the
development of Mongolia by using the skills and insights they acquire during
stay in an industrially developed
important item on the agenda of Prime Minister S.Batbold’s week-long visit to Canada
was a visit to the Canada-Mongolia Investors” Forum on September 30 in Toronto.
Representatives of many of the biggest companies of the country, particularly mining
giants like Riо Tinto, Centerra
Governors, administration officials,
and elected citizens” representatives from all provinces last week attended a three-day
training at the National Center of Law on prevention of corruption and
establishment of justice. The training was co-organized by the Anti-Corruption
Authority and the UNDP.
The course included
During his recent visit to Mongolia,
U.S. Deputy Secretary for Energy Daniel Poneman delivered an address at the
Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Titled “Building a Sustainable
Energy Future”, the speech focused on what the United States is doing – and
what it
after a recent visit to Mongolia, a correspondent says in The Guardian Weekly
that she came to see the proud past but found that the country lives in high
hope for the future.
Warned that drought and harsh winters had decimated herds, bringing
A group of members of the Khan Uul district council from
Ulaanbaatar recently visited the Hamden Government Center in Connecticut, USA,
and expressed admiration for the importance placed on citizen participation and
transparency in government. From a meeting with Mayor Scott D. Jackson
Английн Премьер Лигийн 7-р тойргийн тоглолтууд амжилттай болж өнгөрлөө. Өчигдөр буюу ням гарагийн шилдэг тоглолт яах аргагүй Лондонгийн дэрби байлаа. Энэ тойрогт Лондонгийн “ Цэнхрүүд “ Арсэналын “ Их буучид “ багтай хүч үзсэн. Английн хүчирхэг 2 багийн хувьд өмнө
Speaking on behalf of the MPRP Managing
Council, the party’s Secretary-General, U.Khurelsukh, told a press conference
on Thursday that the ensuing 26th General Assembly would discuss other issues,
besides those related to changing the party’s name and ideology. As the party
that has been