News.MN - The source of news

2Pac – The Best Of 2010

Амару Шакур (1971.06.16 – 1996.09.13) буюу 2Pac (Pac), Makaveli,
Америкийн алдарт рэппэр залуу маань єєрийн гаргасан цомгуудынхаа
борлуулалтаар хамгийн єндєр амжилтыг буюу нийтдээ дэлхий даяар цомгоо 75
сая хувь борлуулсан гайхалтай амжилтыг vзvvлж байжээ. Тэрээр рэп
дуучнаас гадна 1991

The Best of Cypress Hill 2010 2CD

22 жилийн ємнє буюу 1988 оноос єєрсдийн уран бvтээлийн гарааг эхлэж
байсан Америкийн алдартай хип хоп хамтлагуудын нэг Cypress Hill уран
бvтээлийнхээ энэ бvх хугацаанд нийтдээ 9 бие даасан цомгоо гаргаж
сонсогчдын хvртээл болгосон бєгєєд хамгийн анхны platinum болон

Taipei 101

Бүгдэнд нь энэ өдрийн мэнд хүргэе. Би
Тайваны улсын Taipei хотод ирээд бараг сар болох гэж байна. Энэ хооронд
та бүхэндээ сонирхуулах зураг нилээн хэдийг бэлдсэн бөгөөд цуврал болгон
хүргэхээр шийдлээ. Өнөөдөр та бүхэнд дэлхийн хамгийн өндөр барилгуудын
2-р байрт

“I want to be a good actor, not just a comic actor”: Jackie Chan

Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan arrived in Mongolia on
Sunday, mainly to help establish cooperation between local organizations that
help orphans and poor children and their international  counterparts. He also took part in a run to
raise awareness against air pollution.


Minister Badamjunai leads Mongolian team at FAO Regional Conference

Minister of Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry T.Badamjunai led the Mongolian team at the 30th
session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) and at
the Regional Agricultural Ministerial Meeting. Both meetings were held from
September 27 to October 1

Micro mining regulations being drafted

The Deputy Chief of the Mining and Heavy Industrial
Policy Board of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Ch.Tsogtbaatar,
talks to our journalist.
Is the law to regulate artisanal gold mining
The issue remains open as a ban on such mining will mean

Khurts presented in British court three times since arrest

Information has come that B.Khurts, Chief of
Administration at the National Security Council, who was  arrested in London on September 17 has so far
been presented in court three times — on September 17, 23, and 30. His next
appearance will be on

Parliament session opens

The Fall session of Parliament opened on Friday after a
lengthy summer recess. Speaker D. Demberel told MPs the session sits at a time
when the Mongolian economy “is picking up again”, with annual economic growth having
reached 7.4 percent. “Government revenue is

Main problem is managing the wealth, PM says in interview

The following is the transcript of an interview Prime Minister S. Batbold gave to Charlie Rose, as released by Bloomberg TV.

What do you expect Mongolia”s growth
rate to be over the next five years?
Despite losses in agriculture—we had a very
