News.MN - The source of news

Make districts into cities

As for 2024, population of Ulaanbaatar has reached 1.7 million and nine districts are organized into 204 committees.

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption хэмээх дэлхийн шилдэг киног DVDRip чанартайгаар татахаар хүргэж байна. Гол дүрүүдэд алдарт Morgan Freeman ба Tim Robbins нар тогложээ.Үргэлжлэл

Methods Of Mayhem – A Public Disservice Announcement 2010

онд vvсэн байгуулагдсан Америкийн nu metal хамтлаг Methods of
Mayhem-ийн энэ оны 9-р сарын 21-ний єдєр албан ёсоор худалдаанд гаргасан
тэдний хоёр дахь цомог болох “A Public Disservice Announcement” хэмээх
шинэ цомгийг рок хєгжим сонирхогч сонсогч хэрэглэгч та бvхэндээ

FIFA 11 DEMO + Direct link

Arts” корпорациас PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 зэрэг game platform-уудад
зориулан хєл бємбєгийн FIFA тоглоомынхоо ээлжит цуврал болох FIFA 11
(FIFA Soccer 11) тоглоомыг худалдаанд гаргахаа зарлажээ. Энэ оны 9-р
сарын 28-нд Хойд Америкт, 9-р сарын 30-нд Австралид, 10-р

Ice Cube – I Am The West

1984 оноос уран бүтээлийн гараагаа N.W.A хамтлагаас эхэлсэн Ice Cube-ийн 9 дэх бие даасан цомог I Am The West нь гарсан байна. Уг цомог нь 16 дуунаас бүрджээ.Үргэлжлэл

Erdenet likely to have first copper smelter

The Ministry of Minerals and Energy
began studies on setting up a copper smelter following the Parliament
resolution in its Spring session that Mongolia would have one by 2012. Its
report, to be submitted to a working group of MPs, suggests Erdenet as

Official wants Mongolia to take advantage of neighbors’ interests

deputy chairman of the newly established logistics center, has said in The Mongolian Mining
Journal that
talks with China on transit transportation have been stalled since Mongolia
announced its decision to build the railway to Russia, and not China. At
present, Mongolia enjoys no

Far-right groups fear Mongolia’s way of life may get undermined

abroad continue to write on Mongolia’s far-right groups. Recently, BBC News
Asia-Pacific wrote that these days China pours more money into this country
than any other does. Some of it is aid. Some of it is investment. China”s
People”s Liberation Army has handed
