News.MN - The source of news

Mongolian Mining raises USD650 million in Hong Kong IPO

Mongolian Mining Corp, Mongolia”s largest privately-held
domestic producer and exporter of coking coal, has raised USD650 million by
pricing its Hong Kong initial public offering at the middle of an indicative
range.  Mongolian Mining , whose Ukhaa
Ukudag (UHG) mine is roughly 245 km

Herders hit by global warming and by rise in goat population

about how the land has changed, 40-year-old Bayanmunkh, riding slowly behind
his herd of close to 2,000 animals across Mongolia”s arid plains, told CNN,
“Life has become much harder today. Nature is not what it was 10 years
ago; there is more and

Japan to explore rare earths in Mongolia

Japan, the world’s biggest
importer of rare earths, plans to send a study group to Mongolia this month as
the nation tries to diversify its supply sources. The Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry will send a group in mid-October to study rare-earth

Access to credit inadequate, expensive

Banks account for 95.6% of the capital market in Mongolia,
with the stock exchange, saving and loan cooperatives, and insurance companies together
making up the remaining 4.4%. The insurance sector occupies only 0.9% space. So
far this year, commercial banks’ transactions have reached

Preliminary census work starts

The National Statistical Office has announced the population
and apartment census will begin between October 11 and 18 in different parts of
the country. A preliminary census started yesterday in Ulaanbaatar city, and in
Orkhon and Darkhan-Uul aimags. It will start in the

Wide support for changes in MPRP primary organizations

The Secretary-General of the MPRP, U.Khurelsukh, and a member
of the MPRP Managing Council, U.Barsbold, have said that 1,605 of the
party’s1,626  primary organizations have
met and elected their delegates to the General Assembly to be held in
Ulaanbaatar on November 5. The remaining

No consensus casts doubt on passage of election law

After the first
meeting yesterday of the Standing Committee on State Structure in the present
session of Parliament, its head, O.Enkhtuvshin, met media and answered
What did you discuss?
We mainly talked about how we shall prepare for the 27 items on the agenda

Junior Chamber works for capacity building

Mongolian chapter of the Junior Chamber International was registered in 1995
and has since then been trying to motivate youth to contribute to national
development, according to E. Bolorchuluun, this year’s National President of
the global organization present in 110 countries.  JCI Mongolia

Questions about special payment to agriculture fund staff

National Audit Office has expressed surprise that between 2006 and 2009 the
Fund for Agricultural Support paid a total of MNT 357.1 million as incentive to
21 people who worked for it, including budget administrators and board members.
A senior Fund official justified

David Archuleta – The Other Side of Down 2010

Хамтлаг, дуучин: David ArchuletaЦомгийн нэр: The Other Side of DownГарсан огноо: 2010-10-05Жанр: Pop,RockЧанар: MP3 | 192 kbps | VBRЛейбл: JiveYргэлжлэх хугацаа: 41:58 minХэмжээ: 59.8 MB10
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