This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
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бvтээлvvдийг багцлан гаргадаг “Fresh Trance” цуврал цомгийг дугаар
алгасалгvй хvргэж байхаар шийдлээ.
Videohive After Effects Project – Equilibrium
– Adobe After Effects программыг ашигладаг, хэрэглэж сурахыг хvссэн
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прожектуудыг хvргэсээр байгаа билээ, энэ удаад та бvхэндээ “Equilibrium”
гялалзсан ган тємєр мэт текстvvдийг маш тохиромжтой сvржин дуугаар
Хойд Америкийн Үндэсний хоккейн лигийн улирал эхнээсээ л үзэгчдийг суудлаас нь босгосон тоглолтуудыг харуулж эхэллээ. Өнөөдөр өглөө болсон “Вашингтон Капиталс” болон “Оттава Сенаторс” багуудын тоглолтын ялагч нэмэлт үед тодорсон юм.Өнгөрсөн улиралд хамгийн өндөр амжилт үзүүлж, түүхэндээ анх удаагаа ерөнхийлөгчийн цомыг
Ts.Elbegdorj arrived in Denmark from Sweden on October 7. Queen Margrethe II
hosted a banquet for him the next day in Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen. Among
those present were Crown Prince Frederik, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Parliament
Speaker Thor Pedersen, and other Danish
Almost all mining companies, except Energy Resources LLC,
decided to stay away from the two-day labor fair at the Central Culture Palace last
week. More than 60 companies advertised
1,080 vacancies. The organizer of the fair, The Central Labor Exchange, said
they had sent
The population and
apartment census to begin next month will for the first time enumerate
Mongolians abroad, including those living illegally. They will be contacted
through the Internet with help from their family here. Mongolians who have been
away for longer than 6 months
The next hearing at a London court of the case against
B.Khurts, Chief of Administration at the
National Security Council, has been fixed for November 15. Khurts was arrested
at Heathrow Airport on September 17 for violation of human rights in France in
MPs faulted several provisions
in the Government’s draft proposals on employing foreign labor and their wages
as Parliament discussed them on Friday. N.Batbayar questioned the need for
importing labor when “there are 140,000 unemployed people in Mongolia and
200,000 citizens are working abroad because
There is no decision as yet on the Prosecutor-General’s
request to dismiss the head of the Anti-Corruption Authority (ACA),
Ch.Sangaragchaa, and his deputy, D.Sunduisuren. Parliament decided on Friday
last week to defer its scheduled discussion of the issue on the day to October