News.MN - The source of news

“Our relationship keeps developing,” says Canadian ambassador

The Canadian Ambassador to Mongolia, Gregory Goldhawk,
accompanied Prime Minister S.Batbold when he recently visited Canada. He
answers questions on the visit and on bilateral issues between the two
The Prime Minister has said that Canada could
be our model for development. Just what

President sees old Mongolian manuscripts in Copenhagen’s Royal Library

President Ts.Elbegdorj made time from his busy schedule
in Denmark to visit the Royal Library where he was shown its collection of
Mongolian manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries,
some illustrated. A Danish scholar, Kristensen, who visited Mongolia in the
1930s took back

Mongolia and EU hold routine meeting

The 12th regular meeting of the Mongolia-EU sub-commission
of trade, investment and tourism was held yesterday in Ulaanbaatar. Deputy
Foreign Minister B.Bolor headed the Mongolian team comprising officials from
the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Mineral Resources and Energy, and
Environment and Tourism. The EU

Government to bear costs of Khurts’s trial

The Government has asked a British advocate to defend
B.Khurts at the next hearing of his trial as the court will not allow a foreign
advocate. It will also bear all expenses for the trial, including hiring a
translator. The Chief of Administration

MonBiz Mongolia Index updated to include more names

Eurasia Capital, a Hong Kong-based investment bank, and MonBiz Media Ltd.
updated the MonBiz Mongolia Index on October 1 and increased the number of
benchmark members to 24 from 20. Actually five companies were added — Mongolia
Investment Group, Central Asia Metals Plc,

Tax official says Altan Dornod chose to be confrontational

O. Tengis, Head of the Legal
Department of the Mongolian Tax Administration, does not think the decision of
Altan Dornod Mongol, a Russian-owned gold mining company, to take the Mongolian
Government to international arbitration over the 68% windfall profits tax
should be seen as

XacBank signs international agreement

XacBank, M-ICP, and M-CAM of the USA have
signed an agreement to cooperate in increasing business possibilities in
Mongolia, to get a larger share of the emerging capital market. M. Bold,
Executive Director of XacBank, said that the access promised in the agreement

Wallpapers Collection №90

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тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №90 шинэ дугаар энэ
долоо хоногийн ажлын єдрvvдийн хамгийн сvvлчийн єдєр ийнхvv танд хvрч
амралтын єдрvvдийн дараа айлчлан золгох цоо шинэхэн долоо хоногийн тань
эрч хvч
