News.MN - The source of news

COVID-19 strikes Mongolia’s far west

Following the very first local transmissions in Mongolia in November, the capital went into strict lockdown; travel to and from the city was strictly banned. As the situation in Ulaanbaatar was brought under control, all 21 Mongolian provinces began the

Mongolia conducts seven charter flights during January

A total of 28,359 Mongolian nationals were brought back home as of 23January 2021, according to the State Emergency Commission of Mongolia. 
Some 21,716 citizens were returned on119 chartered flights, whilst 6,643 were brought home by land through the southern and northern

Yet another earthquake shakes Khuvsgul

A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has been reported in northern Mongolia. The event occured 63 km south of Turt in the Khankh Soum (rural district) of KhuvsgulProvince, on Monday,25 January 2021 at 9:53 pm. (GMT)

This quake was likely an aftershock of

Mongolian capital witnesses further easing of pandemic-restrictions

On Saturday, Mongolia began to allow the reopening of all clothing shops, hair salons, and markets in the capital Ulaanbaatar. This represents a further easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the State Emergency Commission of Mongolia said
According to the authorities, the ban

The Hu honoured with Commemorative Coin

The Hu have seen a meteoric rise over the last few years, with the band providing a fresh take in the rock scene with their brand of Mongolian folk-metal. Their impact has not gone unnoticed, especially in their homeland where

Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok company registers in Mongolia

A special-purpose commercial vehicle named Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok – which in Russian means “Gas Pipeline Union East” – has been registered in Mongolia. The company was established with the purpose of performing design and survey works and conducting a feasibility study regarding the construction

Director of Mongolian NCCD removed from the post

Mr. D.Nyamkhuu, director-general of the Mongolian National Centre for Communicable Diseases (NCCD), has beenremoved from his post for not properly performing his duties.
His dismissal came after the poor treatment of a woman who had tested positive for COVID-19 and was

11 Mongolian athletes qualify for Tokyo Olympics

Mongolia currently has 11 qualified athletes for the Olympics in the Japanese capital.
The athletes have qualified in archery, boxing, shooting, swimming and wrestling to date.
Mongolia’s women’s 3×3 basketball team has also qualified for the Tokyo Games, where the discipline is

Mongolian subsidiary of Kincora receives Tax Assessment from MTA

Kincora Copper Ltd.  today announced that its Mongolian subsidiary Golden Grouse IBEX LLC has received a 2021 tax assessment for 2.7 billion MNT, approximately US$950,000, from the Mongolian Tax Authority (“MTA”).
The 2021 tax assessment is comprised of four items, of
