This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
За надаар хэлүүлэлтгүй бүгд мэдэх байлгүй сүүлийн үеийн шинэчилсэн тоглуулагч Үргэлжлэл
Animals in Dornod and
Sukhbaatar aimags continue to fall victim to foot and mouth disease but its
spread is under control after adoption of several measures and spending MNT2.6
billion. Soxteen soums in the two aimags have been affected, and 22,048 or
99.7% of
SharynGol JSC has
successfully completed a 16,000-meter diamond drilling program, with the aim of
establishing a JORC standard resource over the company”s mining lease. The
drilling has proved all of the coal seams identified by historic Soviet
drilling, as well as encountered several previously
& Development Bank plans to sell USD150 million of three-year notes,
according to a Bloomberg report. It has hired ING Groep NV to help it organize
meetings with credit investors in Asia and London.
funds made a hoopla out of the leading RTS index giving the Chinese stock
market a drubbing over the last decade, returning five times as much, or a bit
more than 750%. But they go quiet when you mention Mongolia, the best
and Civil Will leader S.Oyun talks to our journalist.
Tell us about the progress of talks to
bring together Civil Will and the Green Party? How have party members received
the proposal?
Green Party made the offer in the spring and our National
The data on social and economic indicators
announced by the National Statistics Office give encouraging hope that Mongolia
is coming out of the recession and the economic crisis. Some selected indicators
are given below.
The State budget deficit in
the first 9 months was
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гэх асуудал vгvй
хэрэглэгч хvн бvрийн єдєр тутмын хэрэглээний программуудын хамгийн
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