News.MN - The source of news

China gets most of its raw molybdenum from Mongolia

Mongolia was China’s top source
of unprocessed molybdenum ore in August, the latest figures from the General Administration
of Customs of China show. However, this was less than 10% of China’s total
import of 1,982 metric tons of molybdenum ore and concentrate in

Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen

оны Hong Kong тулааны урлагын тухай өгүүлэх “Legend of the Fist: The
Return of Chen Zhen” киног найруулагч Andrew Lau найруулжээ. Кино нь
1995 Fist of Fury телевизийн цувралын үргэлжлэл бөгөөд өмнөх ангид
жүжигчин Donnie Yen домогт Chen Zhen

200 attend reclamation workshop

of over 200 mining enterprises attended a recent workshop in Bulgan province
where they discussed technical and biological reclamation of the mined area
once extraction is over. There have been frequent complaints that this
mandatory provision is followed mostly in the breach and

Ugly Americans – Season 1 GoGoHF

Americans нь Америкийн телевизийн цуврал анимешн бөгөөд David M. Stern
хөгжүүлж, Devin Clark бүтээсэн байна. Тэд өмнө нь алдарт Симпсоний гэр
бүл цуврал дээр ажиллаж байсан туршлагатай хүмүүс юм. Цувралын гол
баатар Mark Lilly бол New York хотын нэгэн

Mongolia’s mineral wealth is enormous, and so is its poverty rate

Over a bowl of mare”s milk, Narnjil, a chubby, middle-aged herder
contemplates how mining could shape the future of his country. Inside his yurt
on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar there is no electricity so Narnjil knows little
of the world delivered through TV

NBA 2K11 OST GoGoTugsbilig

жил дараалан сагсан бөмбөгийн видео тоглоомын төрөлд шилдэг
борлуулалттай тоглоом, мөн 10 жилийн турш номер 1 үнэлгээтэй NBA 2K
тоглоомын бүтэн хувилбарыг GoGo,Duugi тольтой татаж авахаар хүргэж
байсан билээ. Тоглоом татахыг хүсвэл энд дараарай.
Харин энэ удаад тоглоомын дуунууд

Spending on Oyu Tolgoi to exceed USD5 billion, says Rio

Tinto Group, the world’s third largest mining company, said capital
spending on the Oyu Tolgoi copper project is likely to be greater than USD5

The project has a potential
life of more than 50 years, Peter Nicholls, general manager commercial of Rio

Mongolian Embassy officials help North Korean farmers

Ambassador S. Khurelbaatar and other
staff of the Mongolian embassy in Pyionyang offered voluntary labor at the
DPRK-Mongolia Friendship Jongbang Co-op Farm in Sariwon City of North Hwanghae
Province on Wednesday.

They helped farmers in harvesting
beans and handed over aid material to the farm.

Hong Kong forum focuses on investment in specific projects

high-power Mongolian team was in attendance as The Mongolia Investment
Summit-2010 in Hong Kong was inaugurated yesterday. Its members included
D.Zorigt, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy; Ts.Bayarsaikhan, Chief of
the Standing Committee on the Economy; MP O.Chuluunbat; Z.Batkhishig, the
Deputy Chief of the

Khurts’s counsel costs USD150 per hour

American lawyer registered to plead at British courts has been hired to
defend  B.Khurts, Chief of Administration
at the National Security Council, who was arrested in London on September 17
for violating human rights and has appeared in court three times since. The
