Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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Layzie Bone, Bizzy Bone нарын “Bone Brothers” хоёрол хамтлагийн энэ онд
гаргасан шинэхэн цомгийг сонсогч залуус та бvхэндээ хvргэж байна. “The
Best of Bone Brothers” нэртэй энэхvv цомог нь дээрх хоёр
D.Erdenebileg won the gold medal in the 5th Asian 10×10
Draughts Championship which finished Sunday in the Olympic House. A Grand
Master of the FMJD (World Draughts Federation), Erdenebileg won the title for
the fourth time when he defeated his opponent from Uzbekistan,
Figures released by The
Traffic Police Board show there have been 28 deaths in traffic accidents so far
this year. Of the 1,418 total accidents registered 68.3% were caused by
careless pedestrians, 1,120 of whom sustained injuries. They were 67.4% of the
total of
In recent days, the foreign exchange rate has been
volatile, with the MNT getting stromnger. Director of Foreign Currency and
Economic Board at the Mongol Bank, G.Delgermaa explains the situation.
What does a strong MNT mean for Mongolia?
People understand a strong MNT is
At an informal
meeting with journalists on Saturday, Prime Minister S.Batbold and his Cabinet colleagues
talked of the performance of the coalition government this year. Now Erdenes
Tavantolgoi LLC has been established as the daughter company of Erdenes MGL. It
will have 15 billion
In keeping with tradition, State-owned Mongol Post issued
on Friday a postage stamp with the portrait of President Ts.Elbegdorj. It was designed
by artist N.Battsengel and N.Damdinbazar of Mongol Post. The stamp shows
Elbegdorj on Mongolia’s fastest horse in the 20th century, a
For 35.7 percent of the respondents to the Sant Maral Foundation October 2010 survey,
unemployment is the major problem in Mongolia today, while 18.3 percent give that place
to standard of living/poverty/income, 9.5 percent to price increase, and 4.2
percent to corruption. At
Unhappy and frustrated by Parliament’s failure to act in
three months on its request to dismiss the Anti-Corruption Authority Chief
Ch.Sangaragchaa and his deputy, D.Sunduisuren, the State Prosecutors’ General
Office (SPGO) on Friday took the extraordinary step to proclaim both officials
as “suspects in