News.MN - The source of news

O.Enkh-Erdene became the best country singer of Asia

“The Knights Award”, which honours and recognizes personalities and companies from diverse fields for their outstanding achievement in their areas of expertise, has started in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 14.

Enigma – The Best Of 2010

оноос хойш электроник хєгжмийн гайхамшигтай уран бvтээлvvдээ сонсогчдод
хvргэсээр ирсэн Герман улсын электрон хєгжмийн томоохон тєлєєлєгч
Enigma-гийн Seven Lives Many Faces [2008], The Platinum Collection [2009] зэрэг цомгууд, Enigma – The Greatest Hits in Video
[1990-2008] DVDRip видео клипvvд

Black Eyed Peas – The Time (The Dirty Bit)

УБ хотод маань өнөөдрөөс эхлээд сэрүү ороод эхэлчилээ шүү. Өдөртөө –
градустай байгаа энэ үед бидэнд шинэ дуу сонсох зайлшгүй хэрэгтэй биз
дээ? 5 дахь цомгоо өнгөрсөн онд гаргаж байсан Black Eyed Peas
хамтлаг маань энэ хугацаанд зүгээр суугаагүй бөгөөд

Time to say goodbye Sarah Brightman Andrea Bocelli

Time to say goodbye
Sarah Brightman Andrea Bocelli

Энэ дуу ямар гоё юм бэ. Би энэ
дууны үгийг гүйцэд ойлгохгүй ч гэсэн ая, хөгжим, дуучны хоолойнд нь татагдаж
дууслаа. Сонсохыг хүсвэл ЭНД байгаа. Энэ дууны үгийг англи, орос бас

Surenkhor’ appeal rejected

The Ulaanbaatar High Court has ruled that the sentencing
of former State-Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, D.Surenkhor,
for embezzling state money was correct and has dismissed his appeal against it.

Surenkhor was accused of misuse of office and causing the

Court turns down Jargalsaikhan’s appeal

The Ulaanbaatar High Court has rejected the appeal of Ts.Jargalsaikhan,
former advisor of the Foreign Relationship Department in the Parliament Office,
against his sentence.  The Chingeltei
district Court sentenced Jargalsaikhan to 17 years’ rigorous imprisonment for
treason and passing state secrets to China. His

About 100 Mongolians spent USD7 million to buy MMC shares at Hong Kong IPO

After Energy
Resources or Mongolian Mining Corporation (MMC) successfully traded its shares
at an international stock exchange, questions have resurfaced if ordinary
Mongolians can ever hold shares in companies that work here. D.Achit-Erdene, President
of the Mongolian International Capital Corporation (MICC), answers our
journalist’s questions

Board reviews SME loan program

Small and Middle Enterprise Board (SMEB) has just finished a review of the loan
program in 21 aimags and Ulaanbaatar city. The review covered 365 economic
entities which got a loan last year and 612 this year.
Repayment was 97% in the

World Bank says Mongolia’s recovery impressive and broad-based

The World Bank’s Quarterly Economic Update says Mongolia has staged
an impressive recovery from the steep recession of late 2008 and early 2009.
Moreover, the economic recovery is becoming broad-based. Strong demand for
copper and coal from China are fuelling the recovery, and

MP urges Government to be more firm on its authority and rights

Byambatsogt has urged the Government to “show its iron face” and make it clear
to “arrogant mining investors” that their interests will not dictate State
policy. He was expressing his support for Speaker D. Demberel who had referred
to foreign invested companies

MobiFinance introduced new mobile monetary service

MobiFinance has
introduced its Most Money mobile monetary service to MobiCom customers, based
on the most recent technology. This allows subscribers to open an online
monetary account which can be used for transactions like transferring money
among themselves, recharging their own and others’ mobile
