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Monsters vs Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space 2010 DVDRip

Works-ын цоо шинэхэн бvтээл Monsters vs Aliens хvvхэлдэйн киноны шинэ
анги болох Mutant Pumpkins From Outer Space-г хvргэж байна. Нийт 26
минут vргэлжлэх энэхvv богино хэмжээний анги дээр Susan Murphy буюу
Ginormica мангас найзуудтайгаа Halloween-ийн баяраар амилсан
хулуунуудтай хэрхэн

AVG Anti-Virus 2011 11.20 Build 3152 Final x86x64Full

AVG Anti-Virus 2011 11.20 Build 3152 Final [x86|x64|Full]
– 2010 оны байдлаарх дэлхийн шилдэг антивирус программ шалгаруулалтын
Топ 10 жагсаалтад 6-рт бичигдэж буй AVG Anti-Virus программын албан ёсны
шинэ хувилбар болох AVG Anti-Virus 2011 программын 32 ба 64 bit систем

Autumn in my Heart

Hey all 🙂 Бүгдээрээ сайн биздээ?Улирал улирлын дотроос .. Намар миний хамгийн дуртай улирал ..Яг л хавар шиг.. зун шиг.. бас өвөл шиг ♥ Эргэх 4 улиралын хамгийн гоё онцлогууд шингэсэн байдаг юмшиг..Үргэлжлэл

World Bank support for Government’s reforms continues

Minister of Finance S. Bayartsogt and Ms. Coralie Gevers, the new Country
Manager of the World Bank for Mongolia, signed today a USD30-million Financing
Agreement in support of the significant reforms that the Government has been
undertaking since it was hit by the

Singapore group to establish multi-disciplinary tertiary hospital in Mongolia

Singapore Medical Group
(SMG), the provider of specialist and general practitioner healthcare services
headquartered in Singapore, today announced its intention to establish a joint
venture for a flagship multi-disciplinary tertiary hospital in Ulaanbaatar,
Mongolia, with Chono Corporation.

The Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) signed will leverage on

N.Altankhuyag receives Turkish Deputy Premier

First Deputy Premier
N.Altankhuyag yesterday received Bulent Arinc, the visiting Deputy Premier of
Turkey. Arinc expressed his happiness to be in Mongolia and that the ancient
relationship between the two countries is being strengthened.
Their talks focused on mutual collaboration in economic, trade,

Rio feels Oyu Tolgoi building costs will cross USD5 billion

spending on the Oyu Tolgoi project is likely to be over USD5 billion, Peter
Nicholls, General Manager Commercial of Rio Tinto’s copper unit, said in a
presentation at the Mongolia Investment Summit in Hong Kong. The project has a
potential life of more

SouthGobi raises sales figure estimate

Resources now expects to sell about 1.5 million tons of coal in the second half
of this year, after saying earlier it expected second half sales would be around
the 875,000 tons sold in the first six months. The company had warned
