With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
asked several MPs about the status of the gender law. Their answers follow.
S.Lambaa said the proposal for a fixed quota was holding up passage of the law.
He was a member of the working group on the gender law draft in
foreign companies have borrowed USD760 million to finance their work in
Mongolia but all of this is from foreign sources. With the Central Bank’s
policy interest rates high, commercial banks cannot charge lower interests and
thus cannot service loan demands. The Central Bank
The Political Council
of the Civil Will Party met yesterday and approved by majority vote the
alliance offer of the Green Party. The issue will now be discussed by the
party’s National Committee on November 20. That meeting will also debate the
2010 activity
Turkey and Mongolia signed a
memorandum of understanding during the sixth-term joint economic committee
meeting in Ulaanbaatar on Tuesday. The memorandum was signed by Turkish State
Minister & Deputy Premier Bulent Arinc and Mongolia”s Environment &
Tourism Minister L. Gansukh.
Two other protocols were
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry has
announced a contest among soums to promote an increase in both the number and productivity
of Mongolian camels. Two soums will be
chosen for an award after the number of camels in the last
The census will be held between November 11and 17. Citizens
who live abroad can get themselves registered on the Internet. Those who plan
to leave the country during that period should get themselves counted in a
preliminary enumeration between November 8 and 10
хамтлаг 1960 онд байгуулагдсан. Тэдний хамтлагт Жон Леннон ритм гитар,
хоолой, Пол МакКартни басс гитар, хоолой, Жорж Харрисон гоцлол гитар,
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програмууд орно. Харин одоо миний хүргэх “G Data Internet Security 2011”
програм танд нэг их дотно биш санагдаж болох юм. Гэвч шинэ зүйл гэдэг
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билээ. Киноны тухай: Японд нэгэн ийм яриа
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гаргаж байгаа юм байна. Энэхүү кино нь 10-р сарын 15-нд Америкийн кино
театруудаар нээлтээ хийжээ. Jackass бүх кино театруудаар