News.MN - The source of news

Two Gobi villages receive 305 kw of solar power

Corporation has installed a total of 305.1kw of solar power systems to two
villages in Mongolia through the World Bank”s Renewable Energy for Rural Access
Project. The installations are among the largest stand-alone solar power
generating systems in the world. The systems were

Huuy-Haay group (facebook)

Дэлхий дээр хамгийн их хандалттай сайт бол  яахын
аргагүй мөн билээ. Тийм ч үүднээсээ фасебоок дээр хүмүүс өөрсдийн
боломж бололцоогоороо, эх дэлхийн мэдээлэл дунд, найз нөхдийн сонин
хачин дунд өдөр болгоны цаг хором мөчөө өнгөрөөж байна. Сонирхолтой
нэгэн зүйл хэлэхэд

Controversy dogs Mongolia’s infrastructure plans

new gold rush to develop Mongolia”s resources could make it the world”s fastest-growing
economy over the next five years. To profit from its untapped iron ore, coal,
copper, uranium, silver, and gold deposits, the government needs to build a
vast network of roads

Prophecy Resource told it will get mining license at Ulaan Ovoo

government commission appointed by the Mongolian Ministry of Mineral Resources
and Energy has told Prophecy Resource Corp. following an on-site inspection at
the Ulaan Ovoo mine site that it will be granted the mining license soon and has
asked it to prepare to

Blood donors stay away, reserves come down

donation has almost stopped since rumors circulated that 14 patients received
transfusion of blood from a HIV-infected donor. 
The Ministry of Health and officials of related organizations have
denied any truth in the rumor, insisting that the infection was detected before
the blood could

Rise in Mongolian stocks may be deceptive

One hundred and ten per cent is the gain this
year in the Mongolia Stock Exchange Top 20. It is a stellar index of companies
that you”ve almost certainly never heard of and which mostly have something to
do with coal. The story

New Mongolian students adjust to U.S.

Alex Ganbaa moved to the United
States in late August and Joshua Gurbazar two weeks ago. Both are from Mongolia
and are learning English. They have supporting each other in their language
class as they can relate with each other on several levels.

Mongol Bank Governor tells MPs why interest rates cannot be reduced

foreign companies have borrowed USD760 million to finance their work in
Mongolia but all of this is from foreign sources. With the Central Bank’s
policy interest rates high, commercial banks cannot charge lower interests and
thus cannot service loan demands. The Central Bank

Civil Will one step nearer alliance with Green Party

The Political Council
of the Civil Will Party met yesterday and approved by majority vote the
alliance offer of the Green Party. The issue will now be discussed by the
party’s National Committee on November 20. That meeting will also debate the
2010 activity
