This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Russian delegation led by V.G.Maleyev, head of the Russia-Mongolia
parliamentary group at the Russian Duma and also deputy head of the Committee
for Ecology and Natural Resource Exploitation, called on Prime Minister
S.Batbold earlier this week to exchange views on increasing bilateral trade,
A Mongolian team with three 4th-grade students
of the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the National University
of Mongolia –N.Almabek, L.Monkh-Ochir and E.Khongor – won a bronze medal in the
35th South East Asian Olympiad for Information Technology held in Tianjin,
Bank President L.Purevdorj talks to our journalist about the monetary policy in
2011 and bank finances.
What are the main features of next
year’s monetary policy?
The success of last year’s monetary policy can be seen in that the draft budget
does not show a
Nyam-Ochir and U.Otgonbayar, Chief and Deputy Chief respectively of The Small and
Medium Enterprise Office, a Government Implementation Agency, told a
press conference yesterday that the Government granted such enterprises soft
loans amounting to MNT60.8 billion in
2009 and 2010 combined. Of this MNT20.15
Америкийн Sayreville, New Jersey-ээс гаралтай hard rock стиллээр тоглодог Bon Jovi хамтлаг анх 1983 онд дуучин Jon Bon Jovi (John Francis Bongiovi, Jr.) , гитарчин Richie Sambora , даралтад хөгжимчин David Bryan , бөмбөрчин Tico Torres , басс гитарчин Hugh
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Сүүлийн үед карер нь нилээд унаад байсан RnB Superstar Chris Brown маань ойрд тун ч их одтой байгаа. Түүний хамгийн сүүлд гаргасан Deuces! Сингл нь Billboard-н RnB/Hip Hop чартад 2 долоо хоногын туршид тэргүүлээд байгаа билээ. Мөн олон олон чартуудад
Францын Producer , DJ David Guetta-ийн хамгийн сүүлд гараад байгаа One Love [Deluxe Version]-ийг хүргэж байгаадаа таатай байна. Энэхүү Deluxe Version-д түүний 2010 онд хийсэн хит уран бүтээлүүд нь багтжээ. Та бүхний сайн мэдэх Sexy Bitch (Feat. Akon) , Memories