Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Khan Resources Inc, which is caught in a legal tangle
with Mongolian authorities over its uranium mining licenses in the country, has
received another court ruling in its favor, sending its shares up 23 percent.
On Wednesday, the Ulaanbaatar appellate court upheld a
President Ts. Elbegdorj has sent a list of suggestion for
MPs to consider when Parliament discusses the draft budget for next year. It
includes the following.
1. -To
approve the reforms proposed in the draft, aiming to give more financial power
to local governments;
At a meeting on Monday, Ulaanbaatar Mayor G.Monkhbayar and
Chinese Ambassador Yu Hongyao discussed ways in which China can help Mongolia,
particularly the capital city, in urban greening and environmental
Ulaanbaatar plans to set up a 670-hectare park and sought the help
The Government has entrusted the Committee on
Telecommunications to prepare by the first quarter of 2011 regulatory
guidelines for TV and radio journalism. The need for state regulation was felt
as both media are powerful instruments to influence social behavior and are liable
When women have
access to the same rights and opportunities as men, they are more resilient to
conflict and disaster and can lead reconstruction and renewal efforts in their
societies, according to The State of World
Population 2010, released on October 27 by the
Ts.Elbegdorj has accepted the request for resignation submitted yesterday by
the Judge-General of the Supreme Court, S.Batdelger.
Court has 17 judges, including the Judge-General. By law the other 16 judges
now have to choose a new Judge-General and submit their nomination to
Russian delegation led by V.G.Maleyev, head of the Russia-Mongolia
parliamentary group at the Russian Duma and also deputy head of the Committee
for Ecology and Natural Resource Exploitation, called on Prime Minister
S.Batbold earlier this week to exchange views on increasing bilateral trade,
A Mongolian team with three 4th-grade students
of the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the National University
of Mongolia –N.Almabek, L.Monkh-Ochir and E.Khongor – won a bronze medal in the
35th South East Asian Olympiad for Information Technology held in Tianjin,
Bank President L.Purevdorj talks to our journalist about the monetary policy in
2011 and bank finances.
What are the main features of next
year’s monetary policy?
The success of last year’s monetary policy can be seen in that the draft budget
does not show a
Nyam-Ochir and U.Otgonbayar, Chief and Deputy Chief respectively of The Small and
Medium Enterprise Office, a Government Implementation Agency, told a
press conference yesterday that the Government granted such enterprises soft
loans amounting to MNT60.8 billion in
2009 and 2010 combined. Of this MNT20.15