With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
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Тоглоом хєгжvvлэгч бие даасан Klei Entertainment студийн хєгжvvлсэн beat “em up буюу гол баатар болон олон тооны єрсєлдєгчдийн хооронд єрнєх гардан тулаант видео тоглоомын PC-нд зориулсан хувилбар энэ сарын 26-ны єдєр албан ёсоор худалдаанд гарчээ. Шvvмжлэгчдийн зvгээс эерэг vнэлгээг авсан
Орчин vеийн цоглог хєгжмийн хэмнэлийг бие сэтгэлээрээ мэдрэх дуртай залуустаа зориулан оруулдаг “Fresh Trance” цуврал цомгийн ээлжит дугаар та бvхний гарт хvрэхэд бэлэн болжээ. 15 track бvхий энэ удаагийн 6 дугаартай цомог та бvхний хайртай цомгийн тоог нэгээр нэмэгдvvлнэ гэдэгт
Linkin Park энэ оны 9-р сарын 18-нд “A Thousand Suns” нэртэй шинэ цомгоо гаргасан даруйдаа л шилдэг борлуулалттай цомгуудын жагсаалтыг тэргvvлж эхэлсэн. Та бvхэндээ уг цомгийн 3 дахь сингл болон гарсан “Waiting For The End” дууны видео клипийг DVDRip бичлэгийн
Mining Corp. and Winsway Coking Coal Holdings have been added to both the
MonBiz Mongolia Index and MonBiz Hong Kong Index after their recent IPOs in
Hong Kong, says Eurasia Capital. The two companies add USD5.6 billion in market
capitalization value to each
Petroleum Corporation has announced the start-up of seismic operations on
Blocks XIII and XIV in Mongolia as planned for the year 2010, and is
anticipated to be completed by November. All operating licenses and permits
have been received and the contractor”s personnel and
Energy is eyeing its newly acquired coal field in Mongolia near the northern
Chinese border to apply the Powder River Basin model, regarded as the most
prolific coal mining model in the industry to date. Some 14 active coal mines extract more
Khan Resources Inc, which is caught in a legal tangle
with Mongolian authorities over its uranium mining licenses in the country, has
received another court ruling in its favor, sending its shares up 23 percent.
On Wednesday, the Ulaanbaatar appellate court upheld a
President Ts. Elbegdorj has sent a list of suggestion for
MPs to consider when Parliament discusses the draft budget for next year. It
includes the following.
1. -To
approve the reforms proposed in the draft, aiming to give more financial power
to local governments;
At a meeting on Monday, Ulaanbaatar Mayor G.Monkhbayar and
Chinese Ambassador Yu Hongyao discussed ways in which China can help Mongolia,
particularly the capital city, in urban greening and environmental
Ulaanbaatar plans to set up a 670-hectare park and sought the help