News.MN - The source of news

South Korea helping Mongolia adopt new elevator safety laws

Korea Elevator Safety Institute (KESI) President Kim
Nam-deuk held a meeting with Ya. Sodbaatar, director of the State Specialized
Inspection Agency of Mongolia, last week in Seoul to further bolster
collaboration between the two countries in the realm of elevator technology. During
the meeting

Minister counters MPs’ criticism of budget provisions

Parliament yesterday began the
first reading of the draft combined budget 2011, which includes the State
budget, the Social Insurance Fund budget, the Human Development Fund (HDF) budget,
and the local budget. The total income has been put at MNT3 trillion and 56.9

Independence Square opened

Square in front of Tengis Cinema has got a new look and a new name.  The Civil Representatives Assembly has changed
its name to Independence Square, as suggested by Mayor G.Munkhbayar.
The square is where soldiers led by General D.Sukhbaatar were

Umnugobi hosts international camel conference

from Russia and the Czech Republic joined their Mongolian colleagues and others
at a conference in Umnugobi on October 22-23, organized jointly by the
Governor’s Office and the Mongol Bactrian Society. The local participants were
camel herders,  and representatives
of  factories making camel wool

Bumps on the road ahead for Mongolia’s Stock Exchange

Out of 367 companies
listed on Mongolia”s Stock Exchange since the 1990s (as part of a voucher
privatization program), over half have been suspended and of those left, less
than 20 are liquid enough to be traded on a daily basis. With the

Large capital infusion for Credit Mongol’s microfinance lending

Responsibility Social
Investments AG, an investment manager founded in 2003 in Switzerland, has
recently made five debt investments totaling USD5.5 million in microfinance
institutions (MFIs) Prasac of Cambodia and Credit Mongol of Mongolia. In
addition, Mikrofinanz-Fonds made a debt investment totaling USD 250,000 in

Paranormal Activity 2 TS (2010) Gogoshare

Аймшигийн кино сонирхогч гишүүддээ зориулаад 10-р сарын 22-нд нээлтээ хийсэн даруйдаа BOXOFFICE-ын 1-р байранд бичигдээд байгаа Paranormal Activity 2
хэмээх аймшигийн киног Telesync бичлэгтэйгээр хүргэж байна. Уг киноны
нэгдүгээр анги 2007 онд гарч байсныг үзэж байсан байхаа, гоё бичлэгтэй

The American (2010) DVDRip R5 Gogoshare

сонирхогч гишүүддээ 9-р сарын 1-нд нээлтээ хийж үзэгчдийн таашаалд хүрч
BOXOFFICE-д нилээн хэдэн долоон хоног дээгүүр уралдаж байсан The American хэмээх онц сонирхолтой шинэ киног DVDRip R5 бичлэгтэйгээр хүргэж байна. Уг кинонд нэрт жүжигчин George Clooney гол дүр бүтээсэн
