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Fresh Trance #6 2010

vеийн цоглог хєгжмийн хэмнэлийг бие сэтгэлээрээ мэдрэх дуртай залуустаа
зориулан оруулдаг “Fresh Trance” цуврал цомгийн ээлжит дугаар та бvхний
гарт хvрэхэд бэлэн болжээ. 15 track бvхий энэ удаагийн 6 дугаартай
цомог та бvхний хайртай цомгийн тоог нэгээр нэмэгдvvлнэ гэдэгт

Shank 2010

хєгжvvлэгч бие даасан Klei Entertainment студийн хєгжvvлсэн beat “em up
буюу гол баатар болон олон тооны єрсєлдєгчдийн хооронд єрнєх гардан
тулаант видео тоглоомын PC-нд зориулсан хувилбар энэ сарын 26-ны єдєр
албан ёсоор худалдаанд гарчээ. Шvvмжлэгчдийн зvгээс эерэг vнэлгээг авсан

Videohive After Effects – Lower Third Pack Vol.2 FullHD

Videohive After Effects – Lower Third Pack Vol.2 FullHD
– Adobe After Effects программыг ашигладаг, хэрэглэж сурахыг хvссэн
хэрэглэгчиддээ зориулан After Effects-ийн жижиг, дунд хэмжээний
прожектуудыг хvргэсээр байгаа билээ, энэ удаад та бvхэндээ “Lower Third
Pack Vol.2 FullHD” хэмээх телевизийн

Researcher discusses stoneflies’ effect on Mongolian water and culture

C. Riley Nelson’s lecture in the Kennedy Center for International Studies on
Wednesday integrated the science aspects of stoneflies and other insects in
Mongolia on the water sources, as well as the culture and love — including
people, living things, interactions and our

Ban on mining license ends soon

Revising President
Ts.Elbegdorj’s decree imposing an indefinite ban on issue of all mining
licenses, Parliament suspended all such activity until December 1. Officials of
the Mineral Resources Authority have said they would have to resume issue of
licenses after that date if Parliament does

Mongolia to use Canadian wood, technology to build 96 regional centers

Mongolia plans to build
96 regional government centers with Canadian lumber and wood technology. Over
the past few years, the province of British Columbia has helped Mongolia adopt
its building code for wood-frame construction, train officials and inspectors,
and set up a Mongolian wood-frame

Private sector can employ 14,000 more people

The Mongolian Employers’
Federation (MEF) recently organized a conference to mark the 20th anniversary
of the revival of the private sector in Mongolia. It honored 20 pioneering
enterprises and identified 50 new products to hit the market in recent years. Only
about 35,000 of

Harumafuji may miss basho because of injury

Harumafuji has injured his right shoulder and may have to
miss the next basho beginning November 14. If, however, his injury heals in
time, and he does well, there is a chance for him to be promoted from his
current ozuki rank to

Russian firm offers to produce energy from garbage

Tarrell Estit Ltd of Russia has offered to build a
garbage processing factory here and has assured Mayor G.Munkhbayar that the
energy to be generated will be enough to meet the heating needs of ger
districts. The company’s Executive Director, Tatyana Serpkova, says

Coal train leaves on trial run to Russian port

first trainload of coal from the Mongolian Gobi left on Thursday on a trial run
all the way from Choir to the Vostochny port in Russia.  The coal will first go to Naushki, 638 km
from Choir, where Russian Railway will take
