This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
2009 онд єєрсдийн “21st Century Breakdown”
нэртэй 9 дэх студийн шинэ цомгоо гаргаж сонсогчиддоо хvргээд байсан
Америкийн панк рок Green Day хамтлагийн дуунуудыг сонсох дуртай
хэрэглэгчиддээ зориулаад тэдний vvсгэн байгуулагдсан цагаасаа хойш
хийсэн уран бvтээлvvд дундаас хит болж чадсан гайхалтай
бvхний дуртайяа тоглодог алдарт Luxor тоглоомын шинэ vргэлжлэл “Luxor
5th Passage” гэсэн нэртэйгээр гарчээ. Далавчит цохон буудагчийг уран
чадварлагаар эзэмшиж, 20 гvйцэтгэлийг нээхийн хамт унасан эрдэнэсийг
цуглуулж, єєдєєс тань тасралтгvй урсах гинжин бємбєлгvvдийг устгаарай.
Эртний Египет оронд єрнєх 100
The Transportation Authority of Mongolia recently inspected the operation of some 150 coal transportation companies on the southern border, and ordered 36 companies to close down, and another 26 to suspend work until they take corrective measures suggested by the
Klaus Rohland, Regional Director in Charge of Mongolia, last week called on President Ts. Elbegdorj and introduced to him Ms. Coralie Gevers, the World Bank’s new Country Manager and Resident Representative in Mongolia. In a short speech to welcome Ms.
Singing in the Asian punk style, the L-Guards band will compete in the Asian Beat Festival in Bangkok on November 14. There the band will sing the song Life Protectors from its new album of that name.
Boroo Gold LLC has decided to dismiss 250 workers as it ends mining activity from December 1. The company’s President and Executive Director, John Kazakoff, has said in a statement that the decision to end mining “was a difficult one
The National Center for Blood Analysis continues to be in need of blood. Following the lead of President Ts.Elbegdorj and an Olympic champion and a music star, 15 DP members of Parliament went to donate blood on Thursday but 13
санхvvгийн хувьд хамгийн амжилттай явж байгаа хип хоп уран бvтээлчид,
бизнес эрхлэгчдийн нэг болох реппэр, бизнесмэн Jay-Z энэ онд єєрийн
долоо дахь тvvвэр цомгоо гаргаж байгаа ба тvvний “The Hits Collection
Volume One” хэмээн нэрлэгдсэн тvvвэр цомгийн нээлт 11-р
Mongolian women sambo wrestlers performed better than their male counterparts in the World Championship tournament held in Tashkent from November 4 to 8. M.Urantsetseg (48 kg) and B.Solongo (52 kg) won gold medals, and B.Munkhtuya (80 kg) the silver. Among
Altogether 1,892 state officials have so far been issued loans totaling MNT61.9 billion to help them buy apartments under the 4000 Apartments project for state employees. Of this, MNT48.5 billion has been paid to 134 construction companies. Ownership certificates have