News.MN - The source of news

O.Enkh-Erdene became the best country singer of Asia

“The Knights Award”, which honours and recognizes personalities and companies from diverse fields for their outstanding achievement in their areas of expertise, has started in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 14.

R.Rash: We have returned to our origin with the name change

R.Rash, MP and member of the MPRP’s Managing Council, answers questions on the decisions taken at the party’s just-concluded General Assembly.Apart from changing the name of the party, what were the important decisions the Assembly took?I think it was quite

Petro Matad gives up 20.7% of Block XX

Petro Matad has relinquished 20.7% of the original area of Block XX, as required by Mongolian law. Block XX is now 10,343.15 km² in area. Surface geology, 2D seismic, gravity, and magnetic surveys confirm that the relinquished areas are un-prospective

Drilling begins at Zuun Mod molybdenum project of Erdene Resource

Erdene Resource Development Corp. has announced that a 4,000-meter drilling program commenced last week on molybdenum and copper targets on the Khuvyn Khar License, which will include extension and confirmation drilling of Erdene”s 100% owned Zuun Mod molybdenum-copper deposit and

Chinalco watching “best time” to join Oyutolgoi

Aluminum Corp. of China, the nation’s biggest producer of the metal, is seeking to participate in the Oyutolgoi project. “We are seeking to find the best time to participate in its development,” Zhao Zhengang, general manager of overseas investment at

Global fund grant for Mongolian agriculture

Partners in the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), a new fund to increase agriculture productivity and reduce poverty, has announced that Mongolia, Ethiopia, and Niger will receive USD97 million in grants. The World Bank-managed fund allotted USD12.5 million

Windows 8 Pre Xtreme Edition X86 & X64

Windows 8 Pre Xtreme Edition хэмээх цоо шинэхэн үйлдлийн системийг
хүргэж байна. Уг системийг Windows 7 дээр тулгуурлан хийсэн болохоор
Windows 7-ийн нэг ч зүйл нь хасагдаагүй харин загвар нтр нь маш гоё
болсон байгаа. Мөн автоматаар танд зайлшгүй хэрэгцээтэй

The Sorcerers Apprentice 2010R2

Алдарт жүжигчин Nicolas Cage-ийн гол дрүд нь тоглосон The Sorcerers
Apprentice киног R2 буюу DVDRip-ээс арай бага чанартайгаар хүргэж байна.
Кинонд: Balthazar Blake
бол Манхеттэн-ий агуу шидэн юм. Тэрээр өөрийн мөнхийн дайсан Maxim
Horvath-аас уугуул хотоо аварч хамгаалахыг хичээж байгаа

Amazing Wallpapers Pack

шинэхэн гайхалтай ханын цааснуудын багцыш хүргэж байна. Нийт 100 орчим
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