Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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L.Sanjaasuren joined the Intelligence Service in 1966 when he was 19 years old and remembers the strict discipline enforced in the socialist system. He worked in counterespionage, as Deputy Minister of Justice, as Chief of Prisons. After acting as lawyer
schools and kindergartens in Gobi-Altai aimag may be closed down as hepatitis
continues to spread there. The rising number of cases has led to extra beds
being put in the infectious department of the aimag’s central hospital. Since
there are not enough facilities
Trivial reasons continue to delay trials in cases related to trade in drugs,
human trafficking, corruption, and murder. The latest example was yesterday
when the Bayangol district court postponed until November 24 the trial of
L.Gantuul and Yo.Oyunchimeg as their lawyers were not
Ken Doleman is hoping to initiate about 50 years worth of time
travel in Mongolia. The CEO of the Swan Valley Credit Union is heading up a
team of credit union employees from across Canada to provide consulting and
mentoring services to the
Figures for the first nine months of this year show that 55.5% of
Mongolia’s total foreign trade was with China and 19.3% with Russia. Trade with
China increased by 9% year on year. Russia was the source of 34.3% of total
imports while
Petroleum Authority Chairman D.Amarsaikhan recently told citizens
of Zuunbayan in Dornogobi that exploration for petroleum in the area was very
important for the country. The people had wanted to know how a Chinese company,
Dongsheng, keeps exporting 40-60 trainloads of petroleum every week
The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry recently met
with representatives of donor organizations and UN agencies and told them that
the Government was now better prepared to aid herders protect their animals
during the coming winter months. The forecast is that
The present status of data and communication protection in relation to national
security was discussed yesterday at a seminar in Government House. It was felt
that apart from data loss and destruction, most companies faced widespread
piracy of information. Guaranteed protection of classified