Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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The annual Torgo Fasion Show, presenting new styles in national clothes, will be held in Misheel Expo on November 26. This is the ninth show of the Torgo salon and its own models will be joined by those of the
Thirteen Korean citizens planning to leave Mongolia by a Korean Air flight on October 15 were found by officials of the Central Intelligence Service to be carrying undeclared gold. All 13 were travelling on official passports. Two had already boarded
Bongo donated blood today at the National Center for Blood Analysis and will tell all his followers about his experience. The hero of the children program of Education Channel TV wants to help people and always behaves in a socially
A Mongolian rugby team will face Japan in the Asian Games on Sunday. Japan tops the Asian ranking while Mongolia has taken to the sport somewhat recently. The Mongolian Rugby Union was established in 2003 but national teams have already
Many members of the National Consultative Committee of the DP, meeting in the Great Hall of the Government House, have expressed concern that several goals set out in the agreement that led to the formation of the coalition government have
President Ts.Elbegdorj yesterday told a joint session of the two chambers of the Japanese Parliament that the relationship between the two countries has reached a new stage, opening up possibilities of further collaboration. Both countrues stand to benefit if Mongolian