With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
Origo Partners has acquired a 30% stake in Altan Takhi Company (ATC), for a total cash consideration of USD3 million. ATC owns a 100% interest in the Budag Tolgoi copper-gold prospect in the central copper belt of Mongolia. Under the
Trade & Development Bank (TDB) recently raised USD25 million from its lower tier two bond, becoming the first Mongolian bank to sell subordinated bonds, returning to investors only weeks after issuing a senior international deal that was a rarity in
Almost a year and a half after the law banning all mineral prospecting, exploration and mining in water basins and forest areas was passed, implementation began last week. The Government initiated a process of revocation of licenses in stages, beginning
The heads of the criminal and civil sections of Ulaanbaatar Court, B.Sarantuya and P.Zolzaya respectively, briefed the media yesterday on work at the eight district courts under it and said most judges are overworked. At the end of September
A team led by D.Battulga, Chief of the President’s Office, yesterday left for Vietnam on an official visit. The team will call on the President of Vietnam and sign a cooperation agreement. It will also hold talks with the Minister
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs B.Bolor has said the Prime Minister has postponed his visit to Britain scheduled to begin on November 27. The official explanation given out is that he cannot leave the country when Parliament discusses the combined
Mongolia’s long-term debt ratings have been raised by Fitch Ratings after the nation’s economy returned to growth and its foreign-exchange reserves climbed to a record. Fitch revised the country’s long-term foreign- and local- currency rankings to B+ from B, reversing
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