News.MN - The source of news

PM clarifies national position on Tavantolgoi

Prime Minister S.Batbold has
instructed those preparing for selection of cooperation partners in developing
the Tavantolgoi coal deposit that the final choice should exclude companies
with any possible “conflict of interests”. He explained that this referred to
companies or consortiums who already own a

Mongolia shifts mining focus to coal

Mining companies were first
attracted to Mongolia to extract copper, molybdenum and gold.  Now, the focus has shifted to coal, says an
analysis by Resource Investing News.  Besides
Tavantolgoi, there are dozens of coal mines in Mongolia with a combined
estimated potential coal reserves

Suspension of licenses reflects national environmental concerns

Calling the recent
suspension of 254 gold mining licenses “a bombshell on the international mining
industry”, Mongolian Views says in its Website
that Mongolians consider the ground sacred and are reluctant to dig, fearing it
may upset the balance of nature. Living close to

Law is fair, but compensation issue is murky, says investment firm

Resource Investment Capital has said in a note on the Mongolian Government decision to
suspend mining activity of 1,782 license holders in areas near river basins and
forests that the legislation prohibiting mineral prospecting, exploration and
mining in environmentally sensitive areas is like

Government steps to regulate “ninja” mining

The Government meeting yesterday instructed the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy to devise ways to implement
the order to regulate artisanal or “ninja” mining of small mines. The
enforcement of the regulations will be the responsibility of the State Professional
Monitoring Agency

2 Mongolian prisoners in China likely to return home

The Government has
given its approval in principle to a draft agreement between Mongolia and China
to send convicted prisoners to their home countries and left it to the related
Standing Committees to work out the details. The proposal was first mooted in

It is a historic budget, say Standing Committee members

At a press conference
held by the Standing Committee on the Budget yesterday, its head, Ts.Davaasuren,
and two members, D.Gankhuyag and D.Dondog, explained that both the income and
expenses in the draft were increased during discussions preceding its approval.
Income rose from MNT3.284 trillion

Devil 2010 PPVRIP

кино үзэхэд боломжийн тун давгүй бичлэгтэй гарсныг цаг алдалгүй
хүргэхээр шийдлээ. PPVrip бичлэгийг p2p групп болох “IFLIX” гаргажээ.Devil
(АКА The Night Chronicles: Devil) 2010 оны Америкийн триллер кино нь M.
Night Shyamalan-н түүхээс сэдэвлэн бүтээж, Brian Nelson зохиолыг нь

Wrong Turn 1, 2, 3 DVDRip

Америкийн алдарт Wrong Turn буюу Буруу Эргэлт киноны бүх 3 ангийг нь
DVDRip чанартайгаар хүргэж байна. 3 Ангийн үйл явдал нь ерөнхийдөө
төстэй. Уулын зэрлэг, гаж хүмүүс зам мэдэхгүйн гайгаар буруу зам руу
эргэсэн залуусыг хэрцгийгээр агнах болно. Ийм төрлийн

VA – Trance In Motion Vol.70 2010

євлийн хvйтэн сэрvvнийг умартан, орчин цагийн доргио хєгжмийн хэмнэлд
эрч хvчээр цэнэглэгдэхийг хvсч байгаа залуустаа дуулгах таатай мэдээ
бидэнд байна. Энэ бол та бvхэнд цувралаар хvргэдэг “VA – Trance In
Motion” цуврал цомгийн шинэ дугаар юм. Та бvхэн 70
