Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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– реклам сурталчилгаа, хэвлэлийн эх бэлтгэл, лого, барилгын зураг
зурах, вектор зураг боловсруулах, зураг засч янзлах зэрэг олон ажлуудыг
хийж гvйцэтгэхэд Photoshop программтай харьцуулах аргагvй сайн
боловсруулдаг программ учир єнєєгийн зохион бvтээгч, дизайнеруудад vр
хугацаагаар таг чиг байсан дуучин Ану єєрийн шинэ уран бvтээл болох
“Function Minutes” хэмээх дуугаа клипжvvлэн гаргасныг vзэгч,
сонсогчдынхоо хvртээл болгож байна. Залуу дуучин бvсгvйн шинэ уран
бvтээлийн эхлэл болсон энэхvv дууны аяыг “Negun Beat” студийн хєгжмийн
найруулагч Оки,
хийсэн долоо хоногтоо BoxOffice-ын жагсаалтыг тэргvvлж байсан Takers
кинонд дvр бvтээж, жvжигчний карьераа амжилттай ахиулж яваа Америкийн
реппэр, дуучин T.I.-ын “No Mercy” хэмээн нэрлэгдсэн шинэ цомгийг сонсогч
залуустаа зориулан орууллаа. Дуучин залуугийн долоо дахь студийн цомог
болох энэ цомог
A cultural
performance will be presented in UB palace on December 10 to mark the 20th
anniversary of democracy. Composer and singer Ts.Chuluunbat of the Kharanga
band will conduct the event and many stars will be taking part in the concert.
Two decades ago
The Prime Minister’s
Office gets MNT33 billion and 389 million in 2011 as against MNT35 billion in the present year. With World
Bank financing of a project to ensure transparency in mining coming to an end
in October, 2010 the project expenses will
The budget allocates
MNT12 billion and 498 million to the Parliament Speaker to run Parliament,
MNT160 million more than he received in 2010. Also MNT11 billion and 443
million would be spent on law making and political parties with seats in
Parliament will get
The budget allocation
for holders of the three highest offices of the land makes interesting reading.
The President”s Office will spend MNT500 million more than in 2010, including
MNT236.1 million on medals to be awarded to citizens. The Speaker gets MNT740 million more
Rumors on the State
Bank being privatized just will not go away. The talk now is that the use of
the word “State” in the name of a bank gives it an unfair advantage over
commercial banks and that the privatization is planned
Korea attempted to reach out to the United States through Mongolia in 2009,
suggesting that the Mongolians host disarmament talks between Washington and
Pyongyang, American diplomats reported in a document obtained by the website
WikiLeaks. A Mongolian diplomat passed that information to the
The Civil Will Party’s recent decision to form an
alliance with the Green Party, despite reservations from some members and
Secretary-General M.Zorigt, has had repercussions on other political parties.
Civil Movement Party members feeling let down by their leaders J.Batzandan,
O.Magnai and M.Ichinnorov have