This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Three Mongolians were arrested in May for withdrawing money from accounts in a German bank by use of
forged electronic cards. Police think further investigations could increase the
theft to be more than the bank’s oroginal charge of MNT15 million, according to
breaking traffic rules are being charged with evidence supplied by street
cameras. This is a change from the traditional way of stopping an offender on
the spot.
year’s animal census will include, loke last year, apart from the five major
animals – sheep, goats, camels, horses, and cattle — pets, pigs, poultry birds,
donkeys, reindeer and bees. All preparatory work is almost finished and the results
of the counting will
Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, D.Zorigt,
answers some MPs’ concern that the 34% share of Mongolia in Oyutolgoi LLC is
being reduced.
the secret meeting of the Representing Managing Council (RMC) of Oyutolgoi accept
that the 34% ownership of shares is coming down?
Our journalist talked to MP Z.Enkhbold about recent claims
by some MPs that the 34% share of Mongolia in Oyutolgoi LLC is being reduced.
Why do you say so?
There are two contracts relating to Oyutolgoi,
one on investment and the other on shareholding.
Parliament agreed on Friday to further discuss a draft resolution
on the energy sector and returned it to
the Standing Committee on the Economy for processing. The draft was
submitted in the name of 12 MPs,
including A.Tleikhan and N.Batbayar.
It seeks to improve the
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