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A Garfield Christmas 2010DVDRip

Garfield хүүхэлдэйн киног мэдэхгүй хүн гэж
байхгүй биз ээ. Garfield-ын шинэ жилд зориулсан 2010 онд гарсан цоо шинэ
ангийг DVDRip бичлэгтэйгээр хүргэж байна. Их хөөрхөн болсон байна лээ
шүү. Уг хүүхэлдэй нь IMDB-ээс 8.0/10 буюу чамлахааргүй өндөр үнэлгээ авсан байна.Үргэлжлэл

13 2010R5

13 хэмээх драм, аллагат төрлийн цоо шинэхэн киног R5 чанартайгаар
хүргэж байна. Киноны гол дүрүүдэд алдарт Jason Statham болон дуучин,
жүжигчин 50 Cent, Mickey Rourke нар тогложээ. Тун дажгүй кино байнлээ

Michael Jackson – Michael 2010

хаан, алдарт дуучин Michael Jackson-ы “Michael” хэмээн нэрлэгдсэн
тvvвэр цомог домогт дуучныг нас барсных нь дараагаар буюу энэ оны 12-р
сарын 14-нд нээлтээ хийхээр зэхэж байгаа билээ. Epic Records-ын
label-тэйгээр худалдаанд гарах энэхvv цомогт урьд ємнє цацагдаж
байгаагvй шинэ

Fewer standards to help business

National Development and Innovation Committee recently reviewed what the
Standards and Measures Office has done so far to implement the Government’s
plans for business environment reform in 2010. There are 5,500 national
standards in Mongolia at present, half the number in 1995. Of

4 organizations agree on helping business reforms

Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia, The Mongolian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry, the Mongolian Stock Exchange, and the Mongolian
Employers Federation recently signed an agreement to cooperate in programs to
help implement the Government”s avowed intention to make 2010  the

Plan to provide capability-based vocational training

National Council of Vocational Education and Training recently met to approve
the procedures to elect members of provincial sub councils, and to identify
measures to facilitate cooperation among TVET, labor organizations, and NCVET’s
provincial, industrial and service sub councils. The meeting also discussed

Centerra Gold clarifies status of Gatsuurt mining license

Gold Inc. has issued a statement further clarifying the status of its Mongolian
licenses, in particular, the principal Gatsuurt hardrock mining license which
is not on the list of alluvial licenses to be revoked.

July 2009, the Mongolian Parliament enacted legislation that

Voyager Resources acquires Khongor Copper-Gold Project

Resources Ltd. has announced its 100% acquisition of Khongor Copper-Gold Porphyry
Project located in the Oyutolgoi copper belt in South Gobi province. A drilling
rig is being mobilized to commence drilling.

Rio hopes for earlier start in Oyutolgoi

Rio Tinto’s copper division
head Andrew Harding has said that Oyutolgoi was on track to launch in late
2012, ahead of the so far estimated 2013. In the third quarter this year, Rio
produced a record amount of iron ore, but copper output

DP forms two groups to prepare economic program

At the outset of the DP
Executive Council meeting yesterday, Chairman N.Altankhuyag congratulated
members on the 10th anniversary of five political parties coming together to
form the Democratic Party. The council then got down to business.  

It appointed two working
groups, one to give
